Trail Flats Labor Day Weekend 2017


ephemeral excursionist
Jan 17, 2012
My plans for the last month for Labor Day were all over the place, go to Wydaho and deal with too many people, go see family in Utah, stay home and hibernate. Very late Thursday night as I was heading to bed I decided I needed to join friends on a backpack trip into the Frank Church Wilderness. I got off early from work on Friday and was packed to go in an hour and thirty minutes food and all, no shopping, just took what was on hand.

I rode up with Clay and Laurel to Mountain Village Resort Friday after work via Mackay then through Spar Canyon over to Clayton and on up the road to Stanley. We listened to Lips of Calypso at the local bar, then soaked in two nearby hot springs before heading to bed around 2 AM.

Next morning Laurel and I ate breakfast at the Mountain Village restaurant while Clay slept. He was sick from food poisoning. Poor guy, we were not sure he would be joining us on the trip. Aaron, Martin and Amanda soon joined us and we headed to the trail-head for Trail Flat hot springs by Boundary Creek Campground. By the time we made it to the trail-head Clay was feeling good enough to hike with us.

The hike was 8.8 miles in on a very dusty hot trail. I am not a fan of the dust, but the hot spring soak was worth it. We had some unexpected dinner guests that had no concern we were soaking in the hot spring, they never even budged when I stood up and walked over to get my camera so I could take their picture.

Sleeping that night was perfect temps and I was super relaxed, one of the best nights of sleep I have had in a long time! Next morning, I soaked and made breakfast in the hot springs. I was in no hurry to get moving.

Martin and Amanda broke camp first and took off for home with Aaron and I following behind them. Clay and Laurel stayed for another night.

Drive through Spar Canyon with a smokey sunset.

Me, Laurel, Clay, Amanda, Martin, and Aaron

Start of hike.




0903-6.jpgI love these bridges, love the way the smell.







Another bridge, this one is almost exactly half way between the start and Trail Flat hot spring.






Crazy switchback down to the river.

Trail Flat Hot Spring

Unexpected dinner guests.

So relaxing, has to be when the wild animals are this relaxed.




Early morning

Breakfast and coffee while I soak.


Back up the switchbacks


Trail mail from Amanda and Martin.

Aaron is a man of wisdom... cold beer upon our return! He was excited over muscle milk so I kinda question his sanity.

0903-32.jpg I have never hiked a dustier trail! I hoped wearing pants out would help.... it was worse!!!

The smoke from all the fires was thicker the second day.

0903-34.jpg But that made for a very pretty sunset as we headed home.
Very cool! Looks like a great overnight destination.

Are black bears a problem there? I noticed a few in your party were packing bear spray.
Very cool! Looks like a great overnight destination.

Are black bears a problem there? I noticed a few in your party were packing bear spray.
We all packed bear spray. I saw one print hiking in amongst all the foot prints. Laurel took a photo of print over the top of our tracks heading out. They came out a day later.

In my head all of Idaho has bears. All of it. If I am riding by myself near Kelly Canyon I take bear spray. I might be a bit paranoid.

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Looks like a wonderful area! Fire smoke seems to be awful everywhere now.

Those dusty shins you were sporting means a weekend well spent! :twothumbs:
Beautiful place. Thanks for sharing. Can you tell me about the string of lights in the tent?
Beautiful place. Thanks for sharing. Can you tell me about the string of lights in the tent?
That is the Big Agnes Copper Spur UL2 Mountain Glo. It has a little battery pack that attaches to the string of lights in the tent.

I bought the tent last year from Big Agnes site it was on sale. The mountain glo wasn't much more then without lites.

I like it.

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That is one anorexic looking deer!

Also a very admirable dirt tan, lol.
I was wondering about "breakfast in the hot spring", thanks for the photo to help explain, I'm not sure I would have left :)
For that Google Loominoodle

I think you will like those.

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I went to a birthday party at Bear Lake this weekend and a friend had some. Solar powered. I liked them so much that she gave me a box.
I was wondering about "breakfast in the hot spring", thanks for the photo to help explain, I'm not sure I would have left :)
I didn't want to get out but my ride home was patiently waiting for me. [emoji41] One hell of a walk home if my ride left me.

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