Total noob


Mar 25, 2014
Hello from Baltimore. I'm new to the forum and new to backpacking. My wife and I have decided to pick up the hobby and we're anxiously awaiting spring. I will be purchasing my gear in the next week or so. We both have camping and outdoors experience but have gotten away from it since moving here from New Mexico 5.5 years ago. The 'city life' just ain't what's it's cracked up to be! I'm sure my dog will enjoy the smells of the wild over the god-knows-what he smells walking around east Baltimore, lol.


sent from space, the dark part
Welcome! There are a lot of Maryland folks on this site...I feel so alone here in Kentucky. Nick you are slowly taking over the country, not just the west.
Nice looking pooch. We have a twin at our house.
Welcome! There are a lot of Maryland folks on this site...I feel so alone here in Kentucky. Nick you are slowly taking over the country, not just the west.
Nice looking pooch. We have a twin at our house.

You have a twin? Would love to see a pic. Mine is a mix. My best guess is pointer and blue tick, but not sure. He points like crazy but howls like a hound.

sent from space, the dark part
Lyla...we got her DNA test back and she is officially a mutt.


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