Timp: Timpooneke or Aspen Grove route

Loop it with a shuttle!

Or ditch the scouts, they're not gonna be up by 5 anyway.

Timpooneke is the only way I've done it. The falls along the way are pretty sweet. But coming back down can seem to take forever.
Timpoonke is supposed to be easier. I did Aspen Grove with a 50 pound pack, was an ass kicker.
Pro's and Con's to each one.

Aspen Grove:
Steeper but shorter.
Passes by Emerald Lake.
Trail crosses more waterfalls.
Amazing views the entire way as you hike up.

Trail is more gradual but longer.
Emerald Lake must be done as a side trip.
Best views are really once you make it into the upper basin 75% of the way to the summit.
KILLER wild flowers when in bloom.

I prefer to backpack Timp. Last time I did it we went up Timpooneke, dropped our packs at the saddle, hit the summit, grabbed our packs, and traversed to Emerald Lake where we camped before heading down in the morning.

DONT HIKE IT ON A FRIDAY/SATURDAY! The traffic is literally insane especially considering how long it is. I have hiked up on a few Saturday afternoons and camped into Sunday and only seen 1 or 4 other tents. That leaves plenty of space for privacy. Friday nights can have 10-30 tents but they all have to make it back to church on Sunday :) Also, never NEVER camp by the rock shelter near Emerald Lake. Its big thing for people to start the hike and midnight and summit by sunrise. These people tend to make long pit stops at 3-4 am on the way up in the hut and they are always really loud.
Even though the Timpooneke trail is longer, I prefer it. I just felt like the aspen grove kicked my ass the entire way (granted I was starting to get a cold) but I just wasn't a fan. It probably didn't help that it happened to be a Saturday (I had never done the summit on a saturday). I also noticed there really wasn't any place along the aspen grove trail to go off trail and go to the bathroom (isn't really a problem for guys though). I also like the Timpnooke trail as on the way up you can find fossils in the rocks. Going down does take forever on that so if you can manage a shuttle it would be worth it.
What about doing it as a point-to-point? Would that be ideal if multiple cars were available? If so, which way in and which way out?
If you were to do point to point I'd say timpnooke to Aspen grove
Going down Aspen Grove is a knee killer for me so I would rather go up it.

Its something around 3600' from Emerald Lake to Aspen Grove
3100' from Emerald Lake to Timpooneke

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