The Thorofare to Brooks Lake - 9 Days in Pictures


Mar 3, 2013
Or ...................................... Scatman's revenge route. Enjoy the first installment in pictures. You will have to wait for Scatman's, Tractordoc's and wsp_scotts detailed and embellished picture and word version.... Great trip, great company and a few brutal days......... pics with a Canon Powershot G5X, occasional phone pic in the mix ....

The Thorofare:


Starting with a short 30 min cruise ..............

No words necessary Bob -- your pictures paint a beautiful story.

You may not have taken a lot (of pictures), but what you did take/posted are amazing.

It was an honor to hike and experience the Thorofare/Teton Wilderness with you. I hope our paths cross again in the future.

"Bob's Canyon," "Bob's Trail," "Bob's Creek," and "Bob's Waterfall" were amazing and "Bob's Day" was a highlight of the trip. :)
Nice country and great photos. Maybe perfect weather too. Looks like Scat is walking barefoot in one of those shots. Clearly, a good time had by even with some brutal days.
Wow, you got some great photos, really captures the trip. Bob's canyon was a definite highlight.

@OldBill the weather was perfect, a little rain waking up the first morning and a lot of rain for the last night (@Bob missed that) and a whole bunch of sunshine in between. Never had a long trip with so little rain.
Great Photos Bob! Good for you! The country looks wonderful like it has always been. Do miss it bigtime! Thanks for posting!
Great Photos Bob! Good for you! The country looks wonderful like it has always been. Do miss it bigtime! Thanks for posting!

I need you to pinpoint where the trail over the pass (Majo) hits the trail on upper Thorofare Creek.
Great Photos Bob! Good for you! The country looks wonderful like it has always been. Do miss it bigtime! Thanks for posting!

And do you know anything about a trail going all the way up Thorofare Creek (after the official trail ends)? We followed it for a bit but it was clearly taking us away from Majo Pass, so we bushwacked in the right direction.
Again Bob, love the trip report and photos!

It is along the Upper Thorofare Creek. Where one leaves the Thorofare Creek is where a sidedrainage comes in, no trail and on the right side going up the drainage. Years ago there was a bunch of stuff here left over from outfitters from days gone by. Remember bypassing in the trees a 3 foot tall pile of bottles. Think the FS has cleaned the area up thru the years since. It goes thru some trees to a nice mountain basin which heard was called Madsen's Basin. Madsen's Basin is right beneath a huge cliffed peak. Here up along a Drainage is an old horse outfitter route. Along this route cliffs were above and below with Bighorn Sheep around. Then at the top is a nice mountain basin, around some nice Absaroka peaks with all way offtrail. Grizzlies around also. Then here one goes down a drainage with this old horse outfitter route continuing down to the nearby North Fork of the Yellowstone. Years and years ago there was an old trail up the North Fork of the Yellowstone which has partly disappeared thru the years. Great Country for someone to get lost in on purpose. Hard to describe but know the area like the palm of my hand.

Have been lately biking, hiking, and birding all along the Washington Coast for like a month and a half. Now went from the San Juan Islands, down to Port Townsend, over Sequim and Dungeness, then over to the coast and down to Kalaloch, Westport, and Ilwaco. Here I was for awhile at Cape Disappointment State Park where Lewis and Clark were at one point. Gosh, how it all has changed since. Great trip and now back in Jackson.
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Also to add you guys must have been moving bigtime everyday to do all of this in 10 days. Gosh, I would get back in here camp, dayhike all around, stay for daysss, and enjoy life. Glad that you guys are still in the shape to do all of this. Yea for You! Again loved all the photos.

Also to add though that the route from the Upper Thorofare Creek to the North Fork of the Yellowstone did not have a name. Did it when some outfitting guide drew a pencil line on a map. Also a the top, it is a notch here between the drainages. Never heard the term Majo Pass for the place till now.

Near where the side drainage comes into upper Thorofare Creek, if I remember right that right after the side Drainage the upper Thorofare Creek does a bend to the left. And along the Upper Thorofare Creek itself it is open along the area with meadows where the side drainage comes in. Then in going up the sidedrainage past possibly the remains of the old outfitter camp. There was some rusty bed mattress coil springs here rusting away. Then afterwards up thru the trees to Madsen Basin. Big cliffed peak overlooking Madsen's Basin here. One can easily see the little Creek coming down thru a cleft in the ridge. The old trail is on the extreme right side of the basin and quickly gains attitude. And it goes up above and near the Creek.

If you go up the Upper Thorofare Creek, here is still some open areas, then remember a bend to the left one has gone to far, if I remember right. But an old trail continues up the Upper Thorofare Creek also. In the Upper Thorofare Creek area has been a fall hunting camp in here for years so they must have little routes all over this country if one really explores around the area.

And Scatman, Bob, along with anyone else might be interested. By using the latest Bridger Teton FS map, the about location using longitude and lattitude by there map where this route takes off from Upper Thorofare Creek is as follows ... T 47 N and R 108 W and in square 21 by their map. This is located right north of 44 degrees, 00'00", along with right east of 109 degrees 52'30". At satellite maps it shows some meadows nearby where this subdrainage meets up with the Upper Thorofare Creek. Remember bushwhacking with no trail around in this lower area when in the meadows and trees near the Upper Thorofare Creek. But once in Madsens Basin, there is the route on the right side. Years ago came down and over, then went a sort bit down the Thorofare Creek and camped for a bunch of days back in here.

Hope this helps in any future endeavors in this area.
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