The Best Arch in Utah is...


Feb 12, 2014
I will contend that the best arch in Utah is Angel Arch in Canyonlands. Every time I look at my photos of it, I'm still in awe.
What is your favorite arch in Utah...or anywhere else? And post a photo too, so we can judge your choice accordingly, haha.


And yes, this is the proper way to pose for all photos!
I really like the one in Sheets Gulch, but it's really high up and hard to get a good shot of. And I don't have an accessible photo of it. So you've gotta take my word for it when I say it's the best. :D
Just because it is easy to get to and has been seen and photographed a million times I can't count out Landscape Arch. I hope that it remains intact for another 1000 years.
Coolest name has to be Klingon Battlecruiser Arch. Have not been there. Anyone?CSC_0165.JPG
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no but I definitely need a picture
It was in National Geographic Adventure years ago. Seems like it was a quadruple arch in the Needles District of Canyonlands.

This is a web picture.Klingon Battlecruiser.jpg
I liked Wall Arch until it fell. Which reminds me of the Fallen Arches Square Dance Club in Moab. I like them. But my favorite is Paul Bunion's Potty, or whatever his name was. I used to have photos but they disappeared one of the many times I moved. I also like the neat one up Red Canyon in Cap Reef. And the one I call Baby Delicate Arch in the Sand Flats, but it's only about 6 inches tall, and you need a span of 3 feet to technically be an arch, but who cares about rules? And there's Anthill Arch, a small rock like an arch that the ants built a hill around out by Dalton Wells. They have little tour buses full of aphids that visit it. I guess I like them all.
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It's just hard to beat Druid, IMO. If the arch itself weren't enough, it's part of my all time favorite dayhike or quickie overnighter.

I don't care if it seems lame or cliché due to its popularity, I really love Delicate Arch, too.
Anywhere else, it seems like I just take pictures and go on my merry way, but I'm quite happy to just hang out and ramble around there for a while when there isn't a crowd.

Ummm...I don't suppose y'all have a "landforms" site for UT that has location pings for offtrail stuff like, say, that Klingon Battlecruiser Arch???
There are so many beautiful Arches that it is difficult to choose one, but the Klingon Battlecruiser Arch is definetily one of my favourites, not only because of the Arch itself but also because of the breathtaking scenery directly surrounding it!
Invited by local friends on a Sierra Club trip we camped for 3 nights next to Davis Canyon. The first day we visited a nearby granary hidden in an arch and the 5 faces pictograph, the next day we hiked to the Klingon Battlecruiser Arch. Unfortunately we only could look from above, not enough time left to get below the Arch.

On the way back from the Arch we met a guy who came up from Horse Canyon, he was trying to research possible routes between Lavender, Horse, Davis and Salt Creek, he discussed things with our tripleaders.
What a small world, later on it turned out this guy happened to be @John Morrow! John, did you eventually find a direct route out of Salt Creek?
Upon return home searching for more info i also came across that request on Bogley and later realised that this was @Michael who wanted to climb up from Salt Creek!
Since i lost my originals (probably due to a Windows update) these pics below are photographed copies of our photobook.

Good memories, @Henk.
You lost all your pictures from your Sierra Club trip?
Years ago you sent these beautiful pictures via smilebox content to me. Unfortunately smilebox is no longer available in the App store since years and I’ve no pictures anymore.
And yes, the KBC-arch and surroundings are a blast.

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Wow, no way, Henk! I remember that day well. I later used your entry/exit route from Davis and later located the moki step route (a Davis fork) that I was unable to find the day I met you all. In the end, I used some maps/Google Earth and internet searches to connect a canyon traverse route from Big Pocket to Lavender to Davis to Salt Creek Pocket. But the long distance between Big Pocket and Salt Creek Pocket I have yet to find another route out of Salt Creek to the east. There has to be a break somewhere?

Great to see a photo of the Battlecruiser (indeed!) you all mentioned! I'll have to get there someday.


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