Album Sunrises

Sunrise in Valley of Fire, ArchRock CG

Thats odd... I can see it just fine... Maybe I will load it a different way in the first post.

It shows up now! Thanks, and MY GOSH that's gorgeous! I'm headed there at the end of April with the scouts.
Phillipe, it looks like the uploader is working for you now too? Excellent. Once you've uploaded, click the button for insert 'Full image' at the point in your post that you would like it to appear.

Yes it works, I clicked too fast on the first button, thank you to have fixed it. On the Sunrise post, everything is OK. Good job, Nick !
One I never got around to processing amongst the back-to-back trips last summer. Bracketed exposures processed with Exposure Fusion in Photomatix.

Clear Lake & Haystack Mountain, Wind Rivers

IMG_5538 (1).jpg
Okay here is my first attempt at taking sunrises shots. Taken of Fabi Hut above Aspen.


GRRRRR Link to this photo is not showing up on my picasa account. Figure it out later delete this please and I will try again at some point.
Okay here is my first attempt at taking sunrises shots. Taken of Fabi Hut above Aspen.

GRRRRR Link to this photo is not showing up on my picasa account. Figure it out later delete this please and I will try again at some point.

I fixed it. Your URL was to the image page, not the image itself. Nice shot. :)