Sunrise/Sunset Uintas Marriage Proposal Location Suggestions


Formerly Cuberant
Aug 8, 2016
After the devastating loss last year of my partner of 35 years I have been blessed with a blossoming new life which will shortly include a new bride. It turns out she loves hiking and many other outdoor activities just like I do. She has never been backpacking so we’ve been gathering up gear In preparation for her first trip. I want to pop the question while watching an amazing Uintas sunrise or sunset.

So I’m looking for suggestions where we might go to make this happen. I don’t want it to be a really long hike and the mosquitoes probably should as minimal as possible for this time of year. I obviously want her first overnighter to be pleasant and memorable. So those Uinta frequenters out there can you suggest some locations that might maximize the odds of pulling this off?
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Oof, Perry, you know 1000x more about the Uintas than I do, so I don't have any suggestions, but congrats!!!! (in advance I mean :)
Oof, Perry, you know 1000x more about the Uintas than I do, so I don't have any suggestions, but congrats!!!! (in advance I mean :)
Thanks. I might be suffering from wanting-to-make-it-perfect syndrome. My travels in the Uintas has mostly involved longer hikes with focus on miles rather than stopping more to smell the wild flowers. I’m just kind of stumped on a shorter trip with good “viewing” opportunities. Consider me somewhat paralyzed and in need of a bail out
Well, Ruth Lake is sure short and sweet! Can't speak to the mosquito situation right now though. There are plenty of other lakes in the area of course...

For those criteria, my top pick would be to start at Crystal Lake Trailhead and hike up to somewhere like Peter, James, or John Lake. Not too far, great scenery the whole way, and big open views at camp. You'll see some people up through Clyde Lake, but once you get past there, you'll have a lot more to yourself. I've never had another person camped at John Lake the three times I've been. A few fishermen during the day, but that's it. 2021 has been especially busy everywhere, so that may not hold up now, but I'd be surprised if there were more than a group or two in your vicinity. Three Divide Lakes and Booker Lake seems to be where the people tend to head up in that area.

Biggest challenge will be finding a dang spot to park at Crystal Lake. Despite how full that lot always is, the trail up to Clyde Lake and beyond never seems as busy as you'd expect.

I'd also try Jewel Lake or Cutthroat Lake (and maybe Teal). Jewel and Cutthroat are "off-trail" but there's some decent use trails that get you to them. Just stay north of that deadfall field.

Oh and Bench Lake. That one's really nice too.

For those criteria, my top pick would be to start at Crystal Lake Trailhead and hike up to somewhere like Peter, James, or John Lake. Not too far, great scenery the whole way, and big open views at camp. You'll see some people up through Clyde Lake, but once you get past there, you'll have a lot more to yourself. I've never had another person camped at John Lake the three times I've been. A few fishermen during the day, but that's it. 2021 has been especially busy everywhere, so that may not hold up now, but I'd be surprised if there were more than a group or two in your vicinity. Three Divide Lakes and Booker Lake seems to be where the people tend to head up in that area.

Biggest challenge will be finding a dang spot to park at Crystal Lake. Despite how full that lot always is, the trail up to Clyde Lake and beyond never seems as busy as you'd expect.

I'd also try Jewel Lake or Cutthroat Lake (and maybe Teal). Jewel and Cutthroat are "off-trail" but there's some decent use trails that get you to them. Just stay north of that deadfall field.

Oh and Bench Lake. That one's really nice too.
That’s a good idea. I love that loop and if I can get off to one of the less frequented lakes it would be excellent.
Arrrrrgh! I just checked the weather for next week… supposed to rain all week :confused:

x2 for what @Jackson said. There are some lakes in that area that are a little off the beaten path, but starting to see more visitors.
I know there are t-storms this upcoming week, but they are probably the normal flavor of hit and miss, or only in the afternoon with a chance of giving way to beautiful sunsets.

I would also throw into the mix the place I was supposed to go back to with my youngest this weekend. If you are looking for sunset or sunrise, few peaks look nicer than Reid and Baldy. The hike in is short (2mi, as you probably know) and downhill, and if you went Wed/Thurs I bet you could have it to yourself.
Thinking of Clegg, Dean or even this little sunrise spot below. The mosquies are starting to fall off in numbers I heard from a friend who was up near there at the lofty lakes this past weekend.

Sunrise from a high spot just after Dean. It is a little bit from the water, so should have very low bugs... There was a campsite up there already.
RCM08767-Notch Mountain 6-2021-210626-15.jpg

Dean, just after sunrise. More bugs because of all the ponds, but from the southwestern shore you get alpenglo sunsets and glorious sunrises.
RCM08518-Notch Mountain 6-2021-210625-12.jpg

x2 for what @Jackson said. There are some lakes in that area that are a little off the beaten path, but starting to see more visitors.
I know there are t-storms this upcoming week, but they are probably the normal flavor of hit and miss, or only in the afternoon with a chance of giving way to beautiful sunsets.

I would also throw into the mix the place I was supposed to go back to with my youngest this weekend. If you are looking for sunset or sunrise, few peaks look nicer than Reid and Baldy. The hike in is short (2mi, as you probably know) and downhill, and if you went Wed/Thurs I bet you could have it to yourself.
Thinking of Clegg, Dean or even this little sunrise spot below. The mosquies are starting to fall off in numbers I heard from a friend who was up near there at the lofty lakes this past weekend.

Sunrise from a high spot just after Dean. It is a little bit from the water, so should have very low bugs... There was a campsite up there already.
View attachment 100237

Dean, just after sunrise. More bugs because of all the ponds, but from the southwestern shore you get alpenglo sunsets and glorious sunrises.
View attachment 100236
Oh man! I gotta get out. Haven't been up there this year yet. Thanks for the additional inspiration.
This idea is crowded at the start but I think you can find the right solitude - Wall Lake trail, hike past it to camp at Twin Lakes, there are several campsites and they're often unused. You can then find a great sunset with a small side hike to the notch. This is the same hike I took my then 8-year-old on a few years back.

Also, the Chepeta Trailhead towards Reader Lakes isn't far. That first lake often has moose sightings. If I remember, it's pretty flat. No one uses Chepeta except for the Highline so you'd have solitude. It's a long drive to get there though.
This idea is crowded at the start but I think you can find the right solitude - Wall Lake trail, hike past it to camp at Twin Lakes, there are several campsites and they're often unused. You can then find a great sunset with a small side hike to the notch. This is the same hike I took my then 8-year-old on a few years back.

Also, the Chepeta Trailhead towards Reader Lakes isn't far. That first lake often has moose sightings. If I remember, it's pretty flat. No one uses Chepeta except for the Highline so you'd have solitude. It's a long drive to get there though.
I would love to head for Reader Lakes. Been there a couple of times and both times saw moose as you noted. That drive though :(. The Clyde Lake Loop is looking better and better.
Clyde Lake Loop yesterday and hopped off trail at Clyde Lake to Three Lakes Divide. Rained just a bit but it was very nice in the tent. Got up this morning after sleeping in a bit. We took our MH Granola with Blueberries down to the middle lake to eat breakfast. We soaked our feet for a while then decided to eat.

I said “before we eat will you marry me?”. She said YES !!!! We celebrated with our granola.

Thank you all for all the great suggestions! You helped make this a very successful overnighter! She’s hooked on me and backpacking.
