Suggestions for 4-5 days Backpacking in the Southwest


Apr 2, 2018
Hello all. Was hoping someone might have some suggestions for a 4-5 day backpack trip primarily in the Northern AZ/Southern UT area. We are looking for a Spring 2020 date. One thought that has come to mind was the Grand Canyon South Kaibab to New Hance, but would like to have other options considering we are already a month late on obtaining a permit. Routes I have done within the last few years are the Escalante Route of the GC a few months ago and the Zion Traverse in 2018. Thanks in advance for any ideas/suggestions.
There are a number of options (most of which I have not done) in Escalante. You can pick up Allen's book Canyoneering 3 for ideas. Coyote Gulch is a classic but is crowded. Other classic areas that would be suitable for 4-5 day trips include Buckskin/Paria, the Needles District, Grand Gulch, Dark Canyon, Salt Creek, the Maze... there are many options that you'll learn about if you peruse this site. Are you flying in or driving here? Will you have two vehicles (which would enable a one-way trip with shuttle)? What time in Spring are you thinking? (some of these are better in early Spring and some are better later)
There are a number of options (most of which I have not done) in Escalante. You can pick up Allen's book Canyoneering 3 for ideas. Coyote Gulch is a classic but is crowded. Other classic areas that would be suitable for 4-5 day trips include Buckskin/Paria, the Needles District, Grand Gulch, Dark Canyon, Salt Creek, the Maze... there are many options that you'll learn about if you peruse this site. Are you flying in or driving here? Will you have two vehicles (which would enable a one-way trip with shuttle)? What time in Spring are you thinking? (some of these are better in early Spring and some are better later)
@RyanP - thanks for the info. We are looking at dates around March 21. This gives me some options.


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