Sterling ATS Descender


Aug 9, 2007
I've been thinking about trying the Sterling ATS and noticed gloo was using one in his Poison Springs video. Has anyone else tried one out?

ratagonia has a good review of it up on his website:

One of the things that catches my attention the most is what he says about friction on the Pirana vs. the ATS:

Tom Jones said:
At 190 lbs, I find the normal “2” mode on the Pirana does not provide sufficient friction, single line 8mm rope, and I generally use a left-leg-loop redirect biner to add friction and, on long rappels, an additional biner in the big hole of the Pirana to create a Z-rig. I rappel with Atlas gardening gloves and do not use an autobloc except when guiding.


The ATS provides considerably more friction than the Pirana and it took a little getting used to. I found the “1” and “2” settings produced almost the perfect friction level for raps on 8mm rope, double and single strand. I think it provides more friction because the rope path is more convoluted than the Pirana, and because the wider ‘waist’ provides more surface area that the rope runs across.

I guess I need to learn exactly what he means by 1 and 2 settings, but I've been able to get enough friction on single strand 8mm on the Pirana, at least on short, overhanging raps, and without the use of added biners. I do find that adding the lower horn and rapping with my hand above the device to be very awkward though so being able to throw it up over the top horn first would be nice.

I guess I need to learn exactly what he means by 1 and 2 settings, but I've been able to get enough friction on single strand 8mm on the Pirana, at least on short, overhanging raps, and without the use of added biners. I do find that adding the lower horn and rapping with my hand above the device to be very awkward though so being able to throw it up over the top horn first would be nice.

I'm curious about these as well. But If you're already doing fine for now with 8mm ropes on short raps on the Pirana, then I really wouldn't worry about it until its time for your Pirana to be replaced. Rare is the situation when you'll be going single 8mil on a long rap anyhow, as most people carry 9mils these days it seems, especially for the long stuff.

Howeva, I could see it being advantageous for those 200+ footers we'll be confronted with next summer (like for when we do Heaps, for example ;)). Even if you're on a 9 at that point, things are gonna really heat up. Also, I think the thing that intrigues me most about the Sterling is that it can be utilized in self-rescue situations. This might be an even better reason to pick one up.
obviously I love my ATS. my experience wit a piranha is limited but I chose the ATS over it because of its versatility.

You can flip to a high or low friction mode (the ats is curved). This alone has served me well on 99% of my rappels. There was a free hanging one where I did add the horn at the end to slow me and I think it added too much and was a little awkward to add but really no big deal. I can definitely say that on the simple rappels the high friction flip is way too much (though I often forget to switch it).

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