Spring Break in Moab

Mar 18, 2014
The wife and kids and I drove out from the front range Colorado to western Colorado to visit Colorado National Monument before heading down highway 128 to Moab and returning in around 5 days. We hit up Onion Creek but were unable to really get out of the car due to the wind. It was one beautiful spot though. We played by the Colorado River, my son hiked his age in miles up Negro Bill Canyon (4 1/2 mile return trip) and loved it. We then visited Arches (my 3rd visit) where I found a new love for that place. Just when I thought I had seen it all you get the perspective of a 4 and 2 year old and you can get lost in any fin/spire/rock combo at any pullout in the park. The possibilities for adventure are endless! We then hit up the Mill Canyon Dinosaur tracksite before heading back home. It was a successful trip in a good weather window and I got to sleep by a campfire with sage brush roasting over its hot coals. Man, how I love the smell of Utah desert sage.
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