Solo Wind Rivers - Need some advice


Aug 14, 2014
Hey everyone! I've been following Nick's blog before he created this awesome community forum. I'm doing a 5-day solo wind rivers trip starting from Elkhart TH and getting to Upper Golden Lake (want to catch me some Goldens!). Anyone know of the best way to get to the Golden Lakes from Cook Lake? Any advice would be appreciated (both for the trail and for the fishing =o)

Welcome to BCP! Always cool to hear from someone who has been around since the old blog days.

Nancy Palister's book Beyond Trails in the Wind River Mountains has a route for you all dialed in. It's Route #28 on page 167. It basically crosses over what she is calling Cook Pass. I'm pretty sure it is the pass marked 11,663 in the map below. She says you go to lake 10,950 and then climb east from the outlet until a headwall at about 11,300. There are a couple options from there but she says it's not bad. Plenty of talus to work through. But her route shows it going straight through to Upper Golden. I highly recommend picking up a copy. I also highly recommend coming back here and posting some photos from that adventure! Pleeeeeeease!

@langutah may also have some info for you but he is out in the Winds as I type. I believe he walked through there last year. And I bet @Bob might have some info too.

Thanks Nick! I did a trip last year from Elkhart to Titcomb Basin and it was epic. I'm looking to avoid some of the Island Lake/ Titcomb crowds this year. I'll definitely do TR when I come back. =o)
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