Smart Phones in the Backcountry

Don has all the right info. Listen to him. :) I've had great luck with the Samsung Pro MicroSD cards. Very fast, shock resistant, waterproof, magnetic field resistant and reliable. I am an Alltrails Pro Member and love their site for trip planning, but the Backcountry Navigator app is superior in every way to the Alltrails Pro app. I download the Accuterra map as well as CalTopo, and a Satellite view of the area I will be backpacking in. I have a standalone GPS for marine use, but I have to say for backpacking I prefer my phone and Backcountry Navigator over a standalone GPS.
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I've got an old Garmin eTrex Venture that I bought on my way to Iraq in 2003. I LOVED that old Garmin when my choices were between it and and the army PLGR. But compared to my phone it seems like something from the stone age. I haven't used that old GPS for years.
I'm w/ Bob, a phone is a phone ... And so on. But...
During my last visits in Utah, I saw more and more folks using their phone in the backcountry. It must be very popular.
Personally I only love the bigger screen.

Oki doki.

Battery life isn't a really problem in the field for a S5. Buy a 2nd battery and or a battery pack. I'm on a HTC One (M8) and a 5S (I'm a nerd) there are more power problems on long uses.

Phone Damages. I always protect my phones w/ covers and screen protectors. They always looks like new. For outdoors - since years I've Otterbox cases. Many colors are now available.

Mapping Apps. No really idea. I use some, mentioned here, just for fun.

Photography. For P a S, the S5 makes great pictures and other good camera apps are on the market.

Books, photography journals, music, etc are great on a smart phone. I use a 64 GB card, like Don, the 128 GB is a little bit slower.

Android - since 4.4x better 'Google jail'.
Many more options and fun you'll have w/ root on your device. A great source are the xda devs.
Since years I never use unrooted devices - for me the best choice.

Just my 2 cents.

BTW have fun w/ your new toy and in the field too.
Used the set-up I described earlier in this thread out in the Uintas over the weekend (Henry's Fork - Dollar Lake - Kings Peak). I had plenty of juice, but did notice that the speaker will not play while charging, which was disappointing. Even caught a couple cool pictures with my phone.

I just use my iphone to check in on four square;). Kidding. I haul a small solar charger which hangs from my backpack that fully charges my iphone while hiking.

I like the ballistic case. It is bomb proof. I have used several of the gps apps but don't love any one of them. For the first time ever I carried a dedicated gps (Garmin Oregon 550). Cost me $150 new at gander mtn. Although I didn't totally rely on it, it came in handy from time to time.

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