Short Bear Basin exploration, Wind Rivers


Aug 18, 2015
Been working on a route for part of Bear Basin by piecing together trip reports, Caltopo maps and Pallister's book. Mostly to show my nephew a different part of the range but also to fish. Trying to make it 4 nights out and still get a good experience. Appreciate any comments.

I've been as far as Native L long ago by going up Roaring Fk (made it in 1d). Several reports (including Pallister's) have that as no longer existing. When I did it, it was tricky to find but well trod once one climbed out of the gully. Know the route over Osborn is shorter, but it's steeper. We are allowing at least 2 days to acclimate from sea level but still figured it's easier to go in via Roaring Fk with full packs and return over Osborn.

Might do a 4 day backpack out of Lander first, so we'd be better acclimated for Bear Basin. If fishing is really good on that trip, I'll spend less time fishing on this one.

Basic outline:
Day 1 - Roaring Fk to Faler via Native L
Day 2 - Fish Faler
Day 3 - Move to Daphne/Bear
Day 4 - Day hike to Kevin
Day 5 - Return over Osborn

Faler in 1 day is a stretch, especially if Native L trail is gone. Also a 1000' drop at the end of a long day. Might have to camp first at Crescent, then move to Faler. Looks like Daphne/Bear is easier (at least shorter) to reach from Faler and there's good camping at both Faler and Crescent.

Route to Daphne/Bear is less than 2m (but through a boulder filled gully if I have it right). Maybe spend half the day fishing Faler Day 2 and make the move to Daphne/Bear in the afternoon?

It's rough travel up there and weather can change unpredictably. Maybe smarter to carry at least 1 tent with us on the day hike?

Would need decent stretch of calm weather for this to work, but we're pretty close to the best bad-weather exit at Roaring Fk.

Also debating going in over Lost Eagle to Baker L to see that area. Don't think we have enough time to do the entire loop though. Have at least one other 4 day trip out of Lander and want to squeeze in a day hike near Dubois.

Anyone else notice Caltopo calls the Roaring Fk trail "Roaring Fork Road"?

Been working on a route for part of Bear Basin by piecing together trip reports, Caltopo maps and Pallister's book. Mostly to show my nephew a different part of the range but also to fish. Trying to make it 4 nights out and still get a good experience. Appreciate any comments.

I've been as far as Native L long ago by going up Roaring Fk (made it in 1d). Several reports (including Pallister's) have that as no longer existing. When I did it, it was tricky to find but well trod once one climbed out of the gully. Know the route over Osborn is shorter, but it's steeper. We are allowing at least 2 days to acclimate from sea level but still figured it's easier to go in via Roaring Fk with full packs and return over Osborn.

Might do a 4 day backpack out of Lander first, so we'd be better acclimated for Bear Basin. If fishing is really good on that trip, I'll spend less time fishing on this one.

Basic outline:
Day 1 - Roaring Fk to Faler via Native L
Day 2 - Fish Faler
Day 3 - Move to Daphne/Bear
Day 4 - Day hike to Kevin
Day 5 - Return over Osborn

Faler in 1 day is a stretch, especially if Native L trail is gone. Also a 1000' drop at the end of a long day. Might have to camp first at Crescent, then move to Faler. Looks like Daphne/Bear is easier (at least shorter) to reach from Faler and there's good camping at both Faler and Crescent.

Route to Daphne/Bear is less than 2m (but through a boulder filled gully if I have it right). Maybe spend half the day fishing Faler Day 2 and make the move to Daphne/Bear in the afternoon?

It's rough travel up there and weather can change unpredictably. Maybe smarter to carry at least 1 tent with us on the day hike?

Would need decent stretch of calm weather for this to work, but we're pretty close to the best bad-weather exit at Roaring Fk.

Also debating going in over Lost Eagle to Baker L to see that area. Don't think we have enough time to do the entire loop though. Have at least one other 4 day trip out of Lander and want to squeeze in a day hike near Dubois.

Anyone else notice Caltopo calls the Roaring Fk trail "Roaring Fork Road"?

Depending on your start time, I think Faler Lake in a day should be fine. Last time I was there the travel to that point was pretty straightforward. And you could always camp near Native or Crescent and still make it to Faler pretty early in the AM, if you wanted to save a couple miles and some elevation gain on Day 1. It seems reasonable and well thought out to me.

Baker Lake would definitely up the amount of time you spend hiking overall, but if y'all are feeling good and/or your previous fishing trip leaves you satisfied w/ more hiking/less fishing on this one it would be a fun add-on.

I probably wouldn't bring the tent on the short day hike, but that's a personal decision and I certainly wouldn't judge anyone that did.

Looks like an awesome trip. I'll hopefully be through there again in September this year, so I look forward to a trip report!

EDIT: I forgot to say that I believe your note about the Native Lake trail being gone/diminished is correct. If I remember correctly, the easier route of travel was actually to swing towards Crescent before the final ascent to Native and then head towards Faler from the western side of Crescent. I'm fairly confident that either route "goes" though - there'll be some level of path either way.
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Go up to Crescent, there is decent trail there. In 2009 we saw no trace of a trail where the map indicates one by the outlet stream of Native, at least down along the roaring fork.. We lost the trail along the Roaring Fork at Alexander Park but the going there wasn't terrible even with no trail.
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Go up slide creek ..... Golden lks, Kevin Lk, Daphne lk Faler lk out Osborne...... 5 nites.
Thanks for the great feedback. Good to know plan is reasonable and can reach Faler day 1. Might be too tired and late to fish after that, so Crescent is a good option.

I remember reading the report by bstark. That was some trip! Wondered if the old trail has been re-established. I enjoy hunting for old trails but we need to make good time day 1.

Bob's reverse route for full Basin loop is really tempting for just an extra night. Wasn't sure it could be done in that time given how rough the terrain is. But having a lazy, zero day for fishing at scenic Faler is pretty appealing too.

Targeting Labor Day week with prior week for east side. Nephew has until 9/11. I've got another wk once I return from Jackson airport. May have to adapt plans to weather.
Thought about an option to day hike the divide. Would shift 2nd camp accordingly. Photos from Bob's past trips near Yukon are amazing. Hiking the divide is said to be faster than in the basin. A few reports of ascents from north of Daphne (and perhaps Rocking Horse) were said to be a "bear". Any insights as to viability of these routes?

We came down from the divide to Daphne from the north... Didn't think it was bad ... I'd have to find the track to see where. Read a report years ago the gully between downs pk and Yukon ok was really rocky with big boulders... But never been up that. Track by Connie's up is easy.
Can confirm the climb up to the divide from Rocking Horse is for a special subset of people. It goes, but won't have any mass appeal.