Second Journey into The Maze : The Harvest Scene

Stephanie B

Steph and Blake
Dec 7, 2017
April 25, 2019

The Harvest Scene. This was our primary reason for going to The Maze. We really wanted to see the figure on the right-side of the panel, the one with the uplifted hand and, possibly, a depiction of Indian rice grass growing out of that same hand. Check out this link below if you're not familiar with the panel.

IntrepidXJ's Photo of the Harvest Scene

Anyway, after the long drive from The Neck to the Maze Overlook, we slathered on bug spray and started the descent. I hadn't found a tremendous amount of info on this approach, but I knew that some up/down-climbing would be involved and that there are two spots with moqui steps (one with an awkward descent). The trail was well-cairned (is that a word??) and easy to follow. We evaluated each of the down-climbs before committing to make sure we could both get back up them, knowing that there isn't much in the way of alternate routes (without climbing gear). Then we got to the last ledge as shown in Udink's photo (below) above the last moqui steps.

Udink's Post

The ledge is overhanging (although you can't see that in Udink's photo) and I couldn't see where I could put my feet. I got nervous knowing that I'd be the one that would have to first climb up that part (I'm a more agile climber than Blake, but I lack his reach) so that, if needed, I could aid him up with a handline. Even if I safely down-climbed the section I couldn't see good handholds for making it up and over the overhang and atop the ledge. In the end I psyched myself out and, after 15 minutes of deliberation, I bailed. In retrospect I should tried going down on a handline and, if necesary, have Blake pull me up/or pull myself up the line if I couldn't solo climb it. Then I'd know if it was do-able or not. I could just kick myself, repeatedly (!), especially after that long ride to the trailhead.

We continued binge-listening to the Serial podcast on the return to The Neck and confirmed our wise decision not to take our trailer on the Flint Trail.

I was not a happy camper that evening.
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Sorry to hear you didnt make it to the Harvest Scrne, but good to bail when you didnt feel good about the climb. That's a hard call to make but when things don't feel right, it's the correct choice.

I do hope you get to the harvest scene someday. It is really fantastic. I haven't seen a ton of rock art but this one did leave a lasting impression on me. The figure you mentioned is amazing, but there is a small one much farther left along the panel that was my favorite--the fine details on it were very impressive.

After my trip to the maze, I thought I didn't want to go back, but I find myself looking at it regularly. Suppose I'll have to go back again someday.
I think you made a good call not descending that final ledge, just like you did not bringing the trailer down the Flint Trail (I really struggled with a full-sized truck and no trailer). The route into the Harvest Scene from Chimney Rock is longer but much less spicy--I've done that route twice and it was enjoyable even the second time.
Did the Chimney Rock route on my maze trip. It's not too bad and there are some bonus petroglyphs along the route.
Sorry to hear you didnt make it to the Harvest Scrne, but good to bail when you didnt feel good about the climb. That's a hard call to make but when things don't feel right, it's the correct choice.

I do hope you get to the harvest scene someday. It is really fantastic. I haven't seen a ton of rock art but this one did leave a lasting impression on me. The figure you mentioned is amazing, but there is a small one much farther left along the panel that was my favorite--the fine details on it were very impressive.

After my trip to the maze, I thought I didn't want to go back, but I find myself looking at it regularly. Suppose I'll have to go back again someday.

Thanks for the support.
I think you made a good call not descending that final ledge, just like you did not bringing the trailer down the Flint Trail (I really struggled with a full-sized truck and no trailer). The route into the Harvest Scene from Chimney Rock is longer but much less spicy--I've done that route twice and it was enjoyable even the second time.

Thanks for the kind words, Dennis.