Sawtooths overnight, november 2013


Sep 12, 2014
Simple trip. Last year i decided to test the Sawtooths mid november. I was glad i went. I hiked up Baron Creek, very familiar to me. I camped on a snow covered platform above Baron Falls. It proceeded to dump powder through the night while i slept. The next day i booked it back to the car on snow shoes. Probably about 8 miles each way.

Looking up lower Baron Creek to the mountain that divides the main creek from the North Fork. You can see here that it is not currently snow covered.
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On the way up. sawtooths 090.JPG
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The next morning, accumulated snow pressing the tent walls. I slept warm. It was some where below 20 degrees. sawtooths 133.JPG

It was completely worth it. sawtooths 137.JPG

I walked around for just a minute before taking down the tent and taking off. Enough to look up the creek above the falls. sawtooths 141.JPG
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It was still coming down pretty good.
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Home sweet home. sawtooths 168.JPG

On the way back down. sawtooths 183.JPG
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A sight for sore feet. Even better, it started. There had been no snow here when i had left the day before. sawtooths 275.JPG

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Nice! I love the combo of red grass, green trees, and the white snow dusted mountains.

I always sleep warmer when snow dumps on the tent. Seems to work like insulation, and keep heat trapped inside. Like an igloo.
Very cool. It's always such a relief after a winter hike when the car starts and you know the cold didn't zap your battery.