Sawtooth Lake, SNRA

This was one of my favorite trips. We went a couple years ago. Right around the time of the wild fires and thought we might have to cancel. So glad it worked out.

Got to see the Snake River and Craters of the Moon while we were out there. Definitely worth it.
Have you ever done any hiking/biking in the Craters of the Moon National Monument? It's relatively close to where I live. Might be worth a look? If you can find the beauty in a volcanic desert. I have seen pics of some pretty cool rock features and textures.
Have you ever done any hiking/biking in the Craters of the Moon National Monument? It's relatively close to where I live. Might be worth a look? If you can find the beauty in a volcanic desert. I have seen pics of some pretty cool rock features and textures.

We stopped at Craters of the Moon before heading home. Very cool place. Spent about an hour stumbling through one of the caves—none of us brought a flashlight but the light on my phone would flash when I took a picture. From there we went to the snake river, a mini Grand Canyon. Also very cool.
As soon as I can convince my employer to let me work remotely, I am finding a nice spot situated right in the middle of the Winds, Sawtooths, and Uintas.

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