San Rafael Reef


Feb 1, 2015
Sitting here in Wisconsin looking at topo maps and google earth, it looks to me like a guy might able climb up on the reef from the east side from Wild Horse Creek north of Wild Horse Creek Trail.

What's it look like on the ground? We're fit with good route finding skills but don't want any roped climbing.
The top of the Reef should be pretty accessible as long as you start hiking up it about where Wild Horse Creek exits the Reef, where it's at its shallowest. Head for Wild Horse Window, but stay north of the drainage that it's in. Work your way north from Wild Horse Window to this point and then go east, losing a bit of elevation before climbing higher in the Reef.
The top of the Reef should be pretty accessible as long as you start hiking up it about where Wild Horse Creek exits the Reef, where it's at its shallowest. Head for Wild Horse Window, but stay north of the drainage that it's in. Work your way north from Wild Horse Window to this point and then go east, losing a bit of elevation before climbing higher in the Reef.

Thank you.