Salt Creek road appeal

I'm sure most here won't agree with me, but this is one area I had always wanted to take my Jeep, but I missed out. So I personally would like to see it opened up again...though with a vehicle limit like there currently is to drive to Peekaboo.

If it ever opened up again, I'd be there the next weekend with my Jeep...
From your article:

"SUWA and other allied environmental groups believe it's an effort to shoe-horn roads into areas that would otherwise qualify for special protection."

See, I see it the other way...SUWA is trying to get roads closed so that they can protect lands that wouldn't otherwise qualify for special protection...

I enjoy spending time in wilderness areas, but I don't necessarily agree with closing existing routes to create wilderness areas...

As usual, I feel the solution lies somewhere in the middle with a compromise....but I don't see that happening.
Being that this is something I covered from an objective point of view, I will refrain from stating my personal opinion on the matter. Thanks for responding though... it really is a fascinating debate. Crazy how one act of congress a century and a half ago still haunts us.
I'm actually not far from the same opinion, Randy. While I'm typically an advocate of wilderness, the whole 'Protect Greater Canyonlands' campaign has given me pause. I like the fact there are roads accessing much of that area so that we can get through all the wide, open desert and start hiking. But I'm glad that Salt Creek is closed and I hope areas like it will be vehicle-free. I feel that riparian zones like that are just too sensitive and aren't very difficult to travel on foot because of the available water. When I hiked it, I actually had a really hard time imagining a road going through it. Seems like it would be a beast to keep passable with all the water and quicksand. But like you said, the solution probable does lie somewhere in the middle.
randy - you are becoming a bad ass backpacker. you'll be there soon enough, and then be grateful there is no jeepers... :)

of course, i'm half-kidding. complicated situation for sure.
I'm not sure I'd stick the words 'bad ass' in there...I've only been on 3 trips so far... :)
You're already ahead of 95% of the world! :twothumbs: