Salt Creek Canyon June 2012


I lava it!!!
Jan 19, 2012
It seems I have to do Salt Creek Canyon by myself again which means I have to do it as an out and back hike. I've planned to stay at least 3 night, but with the double mileage I'm not sure if I can make it. Eventually I can add another night.
Last year I started at Squaw Flats TH, but somehow I want to avoid it this year because the 5.4 miles to reach Peekaboo took a lot of time and effort.
And even the TH start at the locked gate doesn't look so appealing to me due to the deep sand and water for 3 miles.
So I guess I need to start at Cathedral Butte TH.
Is there a camp spot nearby where I can stay at night and have an early start next morning?

Another thought is to just hike down Salt Creek Canyon until I reach Angel Arch Camp and then hike back out. The part from Peekaboo to Angel Arch I've done last year, so it is definitely not a must.
I'm more interested to see the rock art, ruins and cascades between Angel Arch and Kirks Cabin, so I want to emphasize my trip into this area.

Any ideas, comments, help? I'm open for everything.
A couple of thoughts...

First, if you do come in through the lower end, the 3 miles from the gate to Peekaboo is actually a really nice hike and you can largely avoid the quicksand and deep water. I enjoyed that part of the hike.

There are good campsites nearby and at the Cathedral Butte trailhead.

If you do in from the top, I wouldn't bother going past the lower big set of ruins, between SC3 and SC4 I believe. Even that ruin is quite a ways out of the way and your time might be better spent in the upper reaches exploring all of the amazing ruins, arches and springs, especially some of the ruins way off the trail that no one goes to. I spotted several with my telephoto lens last year.
A couple of thoughts...

First, if you do come in through the lower end, the 3 miles from the gate to Peekaboo is actually a really nice hike and you can largely avoid the quicksand and deep water. I enjoyed that part of the hike.

good to know, I've only driven that part so far, so I have no idea how it is to hike.
But avoiding the sand sounds good.
And it's only 3 miles in. From Squaw Flat via Peekaboo trail really is a lot of elevation gain and loss, some climbing and so on. That's the reason I want to avoid it this year.
And a mile after Peekaboo is a big and wonderful waterhole which I really loved last year.

There are good campsites nearby and at the Cathedral Butte trailhead.

good to know, so I can drive in the night before and have an early start if choosing Cathedral Butte TH.

If you do in from the top, I wouldn't bother going past the lower big set of ruins, between SC3 and SC4 I believe. Even that ruin is quite a ways out of the way and your time might be better spent in the upper reaches exploring all of the amazing ruins, arches and springs, especially some of the ruins way off the trail that no one goes to. I spotted several with my telephoto lens last year.

good point Nick, thanks.
Just checked the maps in the Canyonlands guide, it seems the most interesting part really is between Angel Arch Camp up to Wedding RIng Arch. There is so much to explore.
Past the Arch and up to Kirk's Cabin it seems less interesting and I can definitely live without it.[/quote][/quote]
okay, I squeezed in another night, so I can definitely do Salt Creek as a 4 night trip.
This should give me a little bit more time for an out and back trip.
I guess I'll start at Cathedral Butte this time, what would be the best to split up the nights?

If I start early on the 8th, is it doable to get from the TH to SC 3? It will be approximately 9-10 miles, the same distance I did last year in one day.
What about the following night? Should I just hike to SC 4 and do some relaxing exploration or set up camp at Angel Arch camp and eventually go to the Arch at sunrise?
From there I could head back to SC3 and stay the last night at SC 1 or SC 2.
The longest distance would be on the first day, but somehow I can remember Nicks report with a relatively flat area toward Kirk's cabin.