Salt Creek/Angel Arch March 15-17


Desert Rat-Weekend Warrior
Jun 7, 2012
I'm planning a trip to Moab this weekend with my wife. I took a look at the forecast-low's of 48-52!!! This changed my mind from a carcamping trip to an idea of the "real stuff."

Moab is definitely on the agenda, as Jodi wants to drive the route of the Thelma and Louise 1/2 marathon she's running in June.

I'm thinking about beginning in elephant canyon, hiking down to angel arch, and hike out. Is this too short for two nights? We did druid, and chesler in fall in one night without much strain.

Is there something else you would recommend in the area?

We're planning on leaving early friday morning, and don't have to be back until late Sunday night.
I don't think it's too short. There is a lot to explore. I'd probably be more inclined to skip Angel Arch canyon and explore up into Five Fingers(?). I think that's the name of it at least. This canyon:

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I think I've seen a trip report or two from up there and it looks pretty awesome. Also looks like there's a reasonable supply of water/springs up there from glancing at google earth. Anyone care to shed some light on that area?

If not up there, lower Salt is pretty awesome too but doesn't have the archaeological amazingness that upper Salt has.
The main reason I'm thinking Lower is being able to get the permits. It's Spring Break for a couple of Universities, and this is a last minute idea.

I'll probably just head to the visitor center, and see what's available.

Thanks for the tip on 5 fingers, I'll research that more via kelsey, and interenting.
I think your Salt/Horse at-large permit should cover five fingers too, but I'm not sure. I remember walking past it and looking up there thinking mmmmmmmm...
If you like...
Here's a application form. If you use it, you can pickup your permit in the visitor center.
Maybe this map can help you.

We hiked in Salt Creek two times.
First from Squaw Flat TH via Peek-A-Boo trail to Angel Arch and setup our camp at the old 4-WD camp. So it's possible to see the Arch at sunrise.
The 2nd from Cave Spring to SC4 then to AA-Man.
Both variants to Angel Arch are beautiful, but via Peek-A-Boo it's more scenic (IMO).

Have fun in these amazing area. :)
Thanks for the help!

I called yesterday, and I guess Canyonlands needs to be booked two weeks out. After that it's first come, first served.

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