Rock of Ages, 12/1/12


rope mule
Jan 17, 2012
drclef and I took advantage of this lingering balmy autumn of ours and visited the Moab area this past weekend for a couple of canyons. On Saturday we hit Rock of Ages, a fun and absolutely beautiful mid-sized romp in the Pritchett Canyon area.

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[/parsehtml]Mandy putting the ankle brace to the test:


It was refreshing to see some foliage (and even a little color) clinging to the cottonwoods:


One of the elements that makes Rock of Ages so enjoyable is the initial upclimb. Here's Mandy at the crux of the first crack:


A gorgeous day in Moab:


A bit of flat sandstone in between the two crack climbs:


Approaching the second squeeze:


The view of the fin country is startling from the top:


Not to be outdone, BCP gets into the mix:

Pool Arch, just under the start of the descent:


Mandy on the first rap, a 50 footer down a clean, vertical wall:


The canyon doing it's best Escalante impression in between the two raps:


Mandy taking the first step down the second (and final) 100' rap which ends free and places you into a lovely grotto, which come summertime is bustling with the antithetical floral companionship of blooming columbines and poison ivy. *Fair warning*: This is one seriously sketchy anchor to get out to. Protection for whomever rigs the rappel is mandatory. There exists one single bolt higher up (which a lot of people still rap from: take note of the rope grooves) which Mandy belayed me down from so I could get out to set up the rap. It's not only airy, but the downward sloping nature of the lower platform slopes down towards the drop. One wrong move and you're gone. Questionable bolt placement, to say the least. A permanent hand-line (a la Mystery Springs) between the two bolt stations wouldn't be the worst idea in the world.


The canyon can hold a bit of water, but thankfully for us it was only shin deep. Car to car we were just over 5 hours. Rock of Ages definitely deserves it's status as one of Moab's classics, and serves as a perfect winter antidote for other fellow restless canyoneers out there.

Featured image for home page:
Very cool! I'll have to do this one during Spring Break
Very nice! Looks like it was a great day.

I think that's the best shot of Pool Arch I've ever seen. Is it a composite shot, or did you have enough space to get it all in frame at once? It makes me bummed I didn't get around to that angle when I was there. Did you notice if you can get to that spot coming in from the opposite side below the arch?

BTW -- if anybody else gets inspired to do this area soon, let me know if you can help me out... I accidently left a water bottle out there and it's killing me knowing that I am a litterbug. I'm guessing somebody will eventually get it, but it's tucked away like water cache so I am fearful it might be left there for a while. :(


- Jamal
Thanks, everyone! Jammer, it was a single frame (around 17mm, full-frame sensor) shot. As far as access to Pool Arch, do you mean coming in from the east? Access is pretty good from both west and east side canyons. Our route brought us to the southern base of the Arch (where the shot was taken) from the west--but it looks like access from the eastern fins would be easy too.

Or do you mean actually walking through the Arch itself from the other side?
Or do you mean actually walking through the Arch itself from the other side?

I mean from the east. While I was there I saw the arch from the top and then hiked up between the fins to the east. Looking back, it looked like it was probably possible to get to the bottom of the arch from that side -- I just didn't know for sure where the drops were downstream from the arch. I think the only pics I've seen from below are from people who have rapped off the top from behind the arch (and again... those shots aren't as awesome as yours!)

- JG
Yeah if you're coming from the east you're golden. The drops are in the next drainage south (and west trending back towards Pritchett) of the one that holds the arch. Definitely an intriguing area that begs to be explored a little more. What was your route through there?
I came over from the Moab Rim Trail and then headed up between the fins and eventually made my way out to Pritchett Canyon road a few canyons up from where the ROA route comes out. If you want to see the details, I posted maps to the report on my site.

So if there are no obstacles immediately below the arch, the hard part might be getting down off the initial fin which runs east (though I'm pretty sure it can be done.) Here's a shot going up the fins (looking back.) I am on the Pool Arch fin when I took the shot. East_of_Pool.jpg

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