Resolute in 2015


Sep 30, 2014
We’re not big believers in making New Years’ resolutions. For one thing, if something is that important to us, we’ll try to work on it, no matter what the date. And if it’s not that important, tying it to a calendar isn’t likely to make it matter to us more.

But we do have one resolution we are going to follow in 2015…and follow it resolutely. We are going to make, and take, more time for ourselves. We are going to spend more time in the mountains, backpacking, and seeing the parts of the world that we love so much. We aren’t getting any younger, and there is no reason to wait. We don’t need more stuff. But we would like to have more fun!

Admittedly, others feel differently. And if you have one you’d like to share, we'd love to know about it.
As a family we have decided to add more adventure to our lives. Up until now the adventures in our family have been slightly one sided in my favor. I have learned the adventure to a 10 years old or my wife can be very different from what I think adventure should be. So we will be doing more skipping rocks at the local pond and maybe we can fit in a little frogging. I guess spending time together is what adventure really should be. I can't wait to get started....:)
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I've never been a fan of resolutions either, but there's no better time to think about past successes and failures and make plans. I'm really hoping to put my shiny new knee to use and get out on trails with more BCP members this year. The last couple of years I've been a little anti-social because I just didn't feel great with my knee falling apart. Time to get out there and get to know some new friends and create some memories.
I determined over the past year and a bit that I have let work take over more and more of my time, so I have two resolutions. Ensure I get out of the office on time every day of the year, and take more time away from the city camping etc.. I am targeting 20 days out this year and that may be a stretch, but it's my target.