REI Dividends

$34.17...probably put it towards a new can of bear spray.
$100.39 this year. A lot of mine also comes from the REI card. Haven't spent it yet; I was waiting for the 20% coupons to arrive. Plus, there's usually a $20 bonus card offer when you spend $100 or more, so I'm going to wait for that, too.

Last year, I had $147 in dividends and a $30 gift card. Got an Osprey Aether 70 backpack with the discount that ended up costing only $78 - then got the extra $20 on top of that. Also got some REI luggage (Tech Beast) in the REI Outlet and another $20 card. Bam!
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170 between my wife and I's. I'm eyeing an Atmos AG 50. That thing feels plush! I love my aether 70 but when I don't have one of my kids with me and it's just an overnighter or quick 3 day, it is definitely too much. Should be awesome to have both!
Ok. Got it spent. REI Air Rail sleeping pad and some new Lone Peak 3.5 trail shoes. Always been a boot person and going to try the switch for some backpacking trips later this summer and fall.

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