My wife and are are flying into Utah tomorrow and are looking to do a 2 night 25-30 mile backpacking trip in the Uintas before heading to southern Utah for the rest of the week. Right now I am looking at Red Castle Lakes with the possible summit of Wilson peak from either Bald Mtn route or China Meadows, or heading into rock creek basin / Gladys lake area. We would like to have good fishing and good scenery. We will be hiking in on Sunday and out on Tuesday, we are ok with a few people but would prefer solitude. This will likely be our only trip in the Uintas for years to come as we are from Nashville and go to different places each year. This will be my wife's first real backpacking trip in the west, she is in good shape, but I want to make sure it is a good experience so she will continue to enjoy backpacking. What are your thoughts on picking one of these 2 destinations?
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