Questions about Ibantik

Aug 3, 2016
I'm considering a day hike to Ibantik Lake this week (shooting for Wednesday) via Crystal Lake Trailhead and I have a few questions that I haven't quite found answers to here or elsewhere:

1. Wondering about the current water level. The primary focus of this hike will be photography and I'm wondering how water level will lend toward this. I've heard that water color differs as the level drops. Anybody been up there in the last week or so?

2. About how long should I expect the hike to the Notch to take? Notch to Ibantik? I'm a casual hiker and I'll probably have my 9 year old with me, so I expect we'll require extra time. Just looking for a baseline.

3. What is the difficulty level between the Notch and Ibantik?

Thanks in advance!
2. It's about 2.5 miles to the notch. I'd say an hour and a half is plenty of time with a 9 year old assuming they are used to hiking. Notch to Ibantik is less than and downhill but a little rougher trail so probably an hour there.

3) It's more difficult and depending upon the time of year can be a bit of a challenge but right now it's easy and shouldn't be a problem.
2. It's about 2.5 miles to the notch. I'd say an hour and a half is plenty of time with a 9 year old assuming they are used to hiking. Notch to Ibantik is less than and downhill but a little rougher trail so probably an hour there.

3) It's more difficult and depending upon the time of year can be a bit of a challenge but right now it's easy and shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks, Eric. I take my 9 year old hiking regularly-- just not usually to higher elevations. Frankly, I'm more worried about me than him.:) I plan to play it by ear once we get up to the Notch. That's a hike I've always wanted to do. We'll only do Ibantik if we have the time and energy. I assume the Notch is a logical place to make that decision.
I’m not sure about the water level at Ibantik but I would assume it is low. Trial was drawn way down when I was up there last week.
Thanks, Eric. I take my 9 year old hiking regularly-- just not usually to higher elevations. Frankly, I'm more worried about me than him.:) I plan to play it by ear once we get up to the Notch. That's a hike I've always wanted to do. We'll only do Ibantik if we have the time and energy. I assume the Notch is a logical place to make that decision.

Yep. That's a perfect place. You'll have great views all over the place and if you're behind schedule or tired you can turn around. It's under a mile and around 500ft of elevation down to Ibantik. As long as your 9yo has food and water they should be good to go.

You mention altitude, have you spent much time at altitude? If not, make sure you're aware of the signs of altitude sickness. It's rare, but in certain cases it can be deadly.
You mention altitude, have you spent much time at altitude? If not, make sure you're aware of the signs of altitude sickness. It's rare, but in certain cases it can be deadly.

We hike a lot in the Stansbury Range, but usually at about 8,000 feet max. I spend as much time camping in the Uintas as I can, but we don’t often do much in those elevations on foot. I’ve had mild altitude sickness before on whirlwind solo summits of peaks like Bald, where I’m up top and back down in Tooele Valley within a few hours.

Now that I’m a couple years older and a few lbs. heavier (and with precious cargo tagging along), I’m a little more cautious!
Here's the elevation profile.

Another option would be to start at the Bald Mnt. TH hike pass Clegg, Dean, Notch and Bench around Notch mountain to Ibantik. It's a little longer (5 miles one way) but spreads the elevation out. It's weird as you start downhill.

It took my 6 year old and I 1.5 hours to get to Three Divide lakes with packs. You should be able to cruise up. Beautiful area!

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