Question about Deer Creek


I ❤️ GYE
May 31, 2015
I'm planning a trip down Boulder Creek with some friends next month, and one friend asked if there was a way to tack some more distance onto the proposed route. In looking for ways to extend the trip or alter the route, I've toyed with the idea of starting from the Burr Trail and heading down Deer Creek to the Confluence with Boulder Creek. Have any of you ever done that? And if so, is it a massive bushwhack or terrible in some other way? I haven't been able to find anything about it online yet, but it looks like it could be interesting. Thanks for any insight!
I can't answer the Deer Creek question, but why not just do more exploring along the way? When I went through I felt like we moved way too fast. You're in the river most of the time looking up at alcoves and things that look like they could be very interesting. Also, it is not super easy walking. Lots of doing the boulder dance shuffle.
There is some really killer sandstone walking between Deer and the Gulch. Steve Allen marks some of it in a big loop in Canyoneering 2. I believe he says something akin to, "For the sandstone aficionado...." That's enough for me.

I've walked the area, and there is PLENTY to explore. If you need more ideas shoot me a PM.