Primitive spots north/west of Bryce


Aug 9, 2007
I'm trying to track down some reliable primitive campsites near Bryce Canyon, coming in from the north/west side of things. This network of forest roads looks promising but I've never driven them or camped there. Does anyone here have any intel on that area? Or recommendations on where I could roll in and find a spot on a Friday night in mid-June? I can repay the favor if you want to give me a spot you'd rather not broadcast, just send me a PM.!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d37.736303!4d-112.250043
Probably heading near there this weekend coincidentally. More intel shortly.
Not northwest, but I have some suggestions south-east.
That pin is dropped right in the middle of Red Canyon's ATV trail network. You may be able to camp up there but I don't know how peaceful it would be. Similar to a Friday night at Temple Mountain would be my guess...
Sounds like you have some local knowledge... My sweetie and I are thinking of a quick backpack just north and west of his pin. Two canyons (Casto and Losee) forming a 13 mile loop hike that is or used to be non-motorized. You don't happen to know of access or water issues there do you?
Sounds like you have some local knowledge... My sweetie and I are thinking of a quick backpack just north and west of his pin. Two canyons (Casto and Losee) forming a 13 mile loop hike that is or used to be non-motorized. You don't happen to know of access or water issues there do you?
Oh crap. Looks like Casto now has a formal Forest UHV trail in it. That's out.

We found it in a 1988 guidebook and it was non-motorized then.
Sounds like you have some local knowledge... My sweetie and I are thinking of a quick backpack just north and west of his pin. Two canyons (Casto and Losee) forming a 13 mile loop hike that is or used to be non-motorized. You don't happen to know of access or water issues there do you?
There will be folks here who know that area much better than me (I'm in the UK ;)), however I have hiked quite a bit in and around Dixie NF land there, but not in either of the canyons you've mentioned. I've always hauled water in for a full day's hiking...

ATV use seems to be increasingly popular in and around Red/Bryce Canyons which doesn't always make for peace and solitude if you stray into the wrong areas.
I'm just looking for a place to crash for the night so that might be okay for me. Getting in late, leaving early. Any other areas near there that you know of?
Don't feel bad, I don't think my input was all that useful. @Nick always has the line on good spots.
So, we are still heading to the Escalante Mountains north of Bryce. Your advice was east and south of Bryce so probably lower and a hot forecast this weekend, eh?
So, we are still heading to the Escalante Mountains north of Bryce. Your advice was east and south of Bryce so probably lower and a hot forecast this weekend, eh?

I think the problem is it's just farther out of the way than is ideal.
Lol I'm in a good one right now. It's a few miles off Highway 22 just north of Bryce. It's a perfect place to car camp, there's even a fire pit set up. It's about 50-100 yards off the highway so you still hear cars every now and then, but overall very secluded. Here's coordinates: 37.73174 -112.09145

P.S. I may be here a couple more nights, if any of you are coming to Bryce soon for a hike...
Lol I'm in a good one right now. It's a few miles off Highway 22 just north of Bryce. It's a perfect place to car camp, there's even a fire pit set up. It's about 50-100 yards off the highway so you still hear cars every now and then, but overall very secluded. Here's coordinates: 37.73174 -112.09145

P.S. I may be here a couple more nights, if any of you are coming to Bryce soon for a hike...

Muir, is that you under the power lines :)

We are likely down there tomorrow afternoon. We will drive out farther from the pavement towards the escarpment to the southeast. Perhaps on FS418/419. We will stop by and get to meet you if you are around. What kind of vehicle/rig do you have?

Nick, if we have cell coverage I can tell you where we perched in case you are interested.
@Artemus no, it's actually a good spot... I think perfect for what Nick is looking for. It's less than 15 minutes from the Bryce entrance fee station.

I'm in a black 2000 ford explorer. I'll message you my number. I might be here tomorrow afternoon, but I may be tired because I'm doing some hiking in the morning :)