Posting videos from facebook


walking somewhere
Apr 1, 2014
For some reason I can no longer add my Facebook videos. I have also gone back to look at older posts I've made, and all of my videos no longer shows. It sounds like a problem on my Facebook, but I haven't changed anything on there.

I would simply copy the link Facebook provides, and paste it here. Everything looks the same as it did before, except now the frame is just black with no video showing. If I double click on the black frame, a small portion of my video will show.

Is anyone else having problems with this, or is it just me. If its just me, then I know the problem is on my end.

Thanks for the help:)
Hmmmm... this is odd. To be honest, I haven't done much with making sure FB videos embed well. They are always changing things and it doesn't seem to get used much. I tried embedding one of your videos above and it sort of worked (all zoomed in though) but now it's just black again. I'll have to do some troubleshooting. I'll see what I can figure out this weekend. Maybe now is a good chance to try out Vimeo or YouTube though? WAY better with videos than Facebook and totally free too.