Possible Dam on the Green River in WY


Oct 1, 2012
I tried to post a link to this but it's from Facebook so I can't, but if you're on FB (and I reluctantly am) Save the Colorado group is collecting signatures asking Governor Mead to not recommend two dams (I mistakenly spelled that "damn", Freudian slip?) on the Green River. Public comment is until August 4. My FB page is public and I've got a link to it, so if you want to comment just look me up (Laura Zirino) and you'll find it-if you're not already on their list.

On a completely unrelated note, how the hell do certain people wind up on your "people you may know" list??? David Grohl from the Foo Fighters is at the top of my friends list. No, I don't know him, don't know how the hell he got to the top of the list. :facepalm: