Poll: Do mosquitoes like you and what blood type are you?

Where and when are you guys experiencing cedar gnats? I'm not sure I've ever encountered them, or maybe I'm just not allergic.
My blood type is O+. Mosquitoes bite me, but I do not swell up at the bite sites and they do not make me itch, thus I am able to ignore them for the most part. They do annoy me when I am trying to eat though.
Samesies on all of the above for me, except I'm O neg, and while I do catch them biting me at times, it's not as often as it is for others.
My wife will get bit ten times before I get bit once, same with my son, his sisters are not as "attractive" as he is, but they both get bit before I do. There have been outdoor times where I think there are no bugs at all and my wife and son come back with welts all over.

No idea of blood types for any of us.
Like others here, my wife or even when out with other friends, they all seem to attract them away from me.

As for other biting bugs, the worst was when I took my daughter down Pleasant Creek in Capitol Reef for a night in early June a few years ago. That was miserable. Never had a problem with any bugs in the park before that and done a lot of hiking and backpacking there in April and May for a few years prior. But in June, some vicious biting flies of some type would not leave us alone, even when coated with some Picaridin lotion. Not sure if deet would have done better or not. Only thing that would protect us was putting pants and long sleeved clothing on.

I know gnats are supposed to get really bad in the deserts out here in Springtime too, but I've never noticed them to be a bother to me at all. Knock on wood.
Where and when are you guys experiencing cedar gnats? I'm not sure I've ever encountered them, or maybe I'm just not allergic.
maybe the most annoying thing about cedar gnats is their lifecycle doesn't require water, so you can find them just about anywhere in the desert. they don't make much noise but they do like to get into a person's hair and bite the scalp. they chew a hole in your skin so the welt tends to get crusty and takes a while to heal. they get pretty beat up by the wind, but on a calm morning/evening they can be pretty annoying. they totally disappear during the day and night.
Like @WasatchWill I also found hiking down Pleasant Creek to be miserable, but it wasn't gnats but some kind of flies. Gnats don't like me at all, but sometimes if they're bad I'll wear a bug net to keep them out of my eyes and mouth. I've been in clouds so thick out of Green River I had to pack it up for the dogs' sake. Gnats are actually responsible for one of my trips to Canada - I was camping near Moab and had it, so vowed to go north until they were no more. Just ended up trading them for moskies.
Now sometimes in the high country, my worst times were not because of either the mosquitoes or the gnats, but because of the freaking flies.
I've been swarmed by biting gnats out on Stansbury Island before. I don't know if it's the same type as what's down south, but I'd imagine they're similar. We were target shooting, and I think that's the toughest conditions I've ever gone shooting in, with them crawling all over your face. We didn't stay out for very long. Haha.

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