Pitchstone Plateau water


Nov 23, 2015
HI, I'm going to be backpacking to the Pitchstone Plateau, 8P1 this weekend. I have read that there is no water between the trailhead and the campsites, and that there is a spring at the campsites. But, I wondering if anyone has been there at this time of year before, and has a sense of whether that spring should be running? I'll carry water if I have to, but I am curious if anyone knows if that spring is pretty reliable. I did ask the backcountry office folks, but the lady I spoke to had not been there, and had not been able to find out anything about whether that spring was reliable, or not. Anyone have some information about that? Thank you.
That spring/stream should be reliable. i don't believe that they would place two campsites in the area if it were not. I've been there, but it was earlier in the year.
HI, I'm going to be backpacking to the Pitchstone Plateau, 8P1 this weekend. I have read that there is no water between the trailhead and the campsites, and that there is a spring at the campsites. But, I wondering if anyone has been there at this time of year before, and has a sense of whether that spring should be running? I'll carry water if I have to, but I am curious if anyone knows if that spring is pretty reliable. I did ask the backcountry office folks, but the lady I spoke to had not been there, and had not been able to find out anything about whether that spring was reliable, or not. Anyone have some information about that? Thank you.
I have seen you conversations with the backcountry office folks. I can only imagine how that went, glad you restrained yourself...

Have a great hike!

Thank you Scatman. I think one of those sites is for stock, and while I can see that they might not worry about water for humans, who are supposed to understand such things, I imagine that for the animals, there is reliable water. Last week, you posted pictures of Pebble Creek a day or two before I did a Pebble Creek hike. I looked at the subject and was a little disconnected for a few seconds, and then happily read your post. I really enjoyed that hike, and will be posting about a few of my trips after the weather changes. In the meantime, I’m going to Yellowstone! (I’ve been to Disney World and I’ve been to Yellowstone, and I have a very strong opinion about which is better!)

Now Kevin, that lady was kind of nuts. This lady tried so hard to be helpful, she just didn’t know The answer, and hadn’t found anyone else who did. This year, the Backcountry Office folks have been so helpful, and so nice, and so busy. I’m grateful.

I’m going to take some extra water, just in case. But not tons. If anyone else has experience later in the year, I’d love to hear it. Thanks!
Thank you Scatman. I think one of those sites is for stock, and while I can see that they might not worry about water for humans, who are supposed to understand such things, I imagine that for the animals, there is reliable water. Last week, you posted pictures of Pebble Creek a day or two before I did a Pebble Creek hike. I looked at the subject and was a little disconnected for a few seconds, and then happily read your post. I really enjoyed that hike, and will be posting about a few of my trips after the weather changes. In the meantime, I’m going to Yellowstone! (I’ve been to Disney World and I’ve been to Yellowstone, and I have a very strong opinion about which is better!)

Now Kevin, that lady was kind of nuts. This lady tried so hard to be helpful, she just didn’t know The answer, and hadn’t found anyone else who did. This year, the Backcountry Office folks have been so helpful, and so nice, and so busy. I’m grateful.

I’m going to take some extra water, just in case. But not tons. If anyone else has experience later in the year, I’d love to hear it. Thanks!

I'm heading back to Yellowstone next week for a Cache Creek Trip and a Heart Lake one back-to-back.

I can't wait to see your trip reports on your Yellowstone adventures.

Here are a couple of shots of the water source on the Pitchstone to put your mind at ease. :)

I camped there last September 20th or so. There was plenty of water in the creek.

@scatman I just cancelled my trip next week to YNP because I didn't feel comfortable sitting on a plane for 3 1/2 hours on the way down and back, plus the shorter routes. Otherwise I'd try and meet up with you. IIRC, you have been to Cache Creek before. What a beautiful valley.
@scatman I just cancelled my trip next week to YNP because I didn't feel comfortable sitting on a plane for 3 1/2 hours on the way down and back, plus the shorter routes. Otherwise I'd try and meet up with you. IIRC, you have been to Cache Creek before. What a beautiful valley.

Understandable considering the times. I would have enjoyed meeting up with you. Maybe next year? I'm giving some thought to looking for the North Pitchstone Trail in September of 2021, and checking out the Ouzel Creek Drainage while I'm back in there. You're always welcome to join on the adventure if you so choose.

My pregnant wife and I did a day hike about 2.5 miles up Cache Creek 21 year ago. On our way back to the trailhead, we had to divert way uphill to avoid a heard of Bison that were heading down the trail towards us. Sheila still gives me grief about that hike to this day. She was a trooper though.

So this trip is one that I do with a couple of friends each September, one of which is 68 and has a bad back and an atrophied left quad muscle - this means that the trip is tailored to his abilities. He usually just hangs out at camp for the entire trip. That being said, we will be staying at campsite 3L2 for three nights with a couple of day hikes thrown in for good measure. The first will be to Wahb Springs and Death Gulch, and then I'm thinking about heading up to South Cache Creek. The second, will either be up Opal Creek if I'm up for it, or just take the trail up the Lamar. I had some nice Grizzly encounters the last time that I was on the Lamar River Trail.

I was invited to go to Heart Lake right after the Cache Creek Trip, and I'm hoping to make it to Aster Lake on our way out on that trip, if I think my left knee will hold up with a pack and all the downfall that needs to be crossed to reach the lake. I'm pretty sure I'll give it a shot.
I came over from Pebble Creek last fall. Was eventually headed to Wapiti Lake and beyond but there was a monster rain storm that brought Lamar River up a foot or so which cancelled my planned crossing of it. The day and some I spent in Cache Creek valley was filled with elk bugling, which was awesome. Have a great trip.

Since I cancelled 2 trips down south this year, I hope to make 2-3 trips next year. That'd be great if we could meet up at some point.