Pitchstone Plateau / Bechler River / Union Falls Loop - YNP - 8/3/14

Here are some videos clips from @scatman 's trip. These are much better viewed by clicking the HD button before viewing:

The off trail section hiking from Beulah Lake to the Pitchstone Plateau

Phantom Fumarole

The Bechler Meadows

This is our second crossing of the Bechler River

Our 3rd crossing, after setting up camp on day 6, on our way to Dunanda Falls. To be fair its possible to cross at a shallower spot that's just above the waist. I crossed here for fun.

This is the Ouzel Pool, and the small waterfall above it. The water in the middle is above my head

A look around Mr. Bubbles

Hiking down the Bechler River Canyon

The fog leaving our camp and heading across the Pitchstone Plateau

On top of the Pitchstone Plateau
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LOL, Lord Business photo bombing the GoPro

I was guiding the ADK MT Club when you guys started this trip, rain sucked to the East too.

The Ford at Cave Falls Campground freaked the !@#$ out of me the beginning of August 2006. Deep, wide, and well named. I was solo after two decent trips on the Crest and Bechler with someone else. Love the signs at places off the GL Road about groups of three or more.

The GV has gotten some good snow. If you guys take your !@))s with you say hi to the summit of Black's for me. And if you're going by Frenchman Creek make sure KC has two poke chops round his neck.

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