Parunuweap SAR


Broadcaster, formerly "ashergrey"
May 5, 2012
Kane County SAR and Utah DPS helo are searching East Fork of the Virgin for two missing women. They were on a three-day backpacking trip through the Barracks but failed to return Sunday, August 25. Family members reported them missing. The women are in their 50s and were driving a vehicle with Texas license plates.

North Fork of the Virgin experienced high flows from significant rain on Saturday. SAR doesn't believe the women are in danger from flash flooding (which doesn't make sense to me, since the danger would depend on where in the canyon the women were when the rain hit) but fears they could be out of food.
A little additional info: their trip started Thursday. Their ages are 40 and 51. Both women from Salt Lake City area.
I was busy reporting this and wasn't able to update. They became lost trying to navigate by compass back to Checkerboard Mesa after exiting the canyon. They avoided flash flooding but were soaked by rains and spent last night without shelter (only a solar blanket). They seemed pretty chipper after being taken to Kanab by helicopter but did say they feared dying as their supplies dwindled.
Thank goodness, a happy ending! If it were me you'd find me eating everything that wasn't nailed down at the Rockin' V. :roflmao: