Park City to Provo - 65 miles in 4 days


I didn't want to comment until I had read the entire TR. Great job Will, that's awesome. How many miles total was it? I'd love to recreate it with you next year, adding a summit to timp toward the end.

I'm still making my way through watching the entire video. Great job, and thanks for sharing all this. I can't believe you've got the video edited already, you must be some kind of video pro or something. I'll definitely be referencing this TR for future trips.
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Thanks Steve. It was about 67 miles. I definitely learned a lot about the kind of daily mileage I can handle, having never done a trip like that before. I'd now feel more confident when an opportunity to do something like the Highline (Uintas or Winds) or the JMT comes up.

Finishing with a summit of Timp would certainly be a worthwhile variation.
you two put some serious miles in each day. That's really impressive, I know I couldn't keep up.

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