Overnight or 2 night trip in New Orleans area (or any part of LA)


Jan 26, 2015
Hi, just wondering if there are any interesting places to do an overnight backpacking or maybe even 2 night backpacking trip in LA. I am currently planning in driving down there (from VA) sometime in late October or November and will be meeting up with a friend who will be flying in from Omaha. We both enjoy hiking and camping so were thinking of maybe spending a day or two doing it if there is someplace good to do it. We'll be starting and ending our trip in the NO area but will probably be traveling throughout the state and maybe even cross over a little into TX (we both love road trips and when we lived near each other it wasn't unusual for us to decide on a whim to take off somewhere for a day just to see what was there). This is going to be our first time seeing each other in nearly 15 years and we are thinking of starting to do a yearly trip to different areas that we want to go see. Our total trip to LA will probably be for a week to a week and a few days - we don't have anything definite yet and are still planning it out so we're pretty flexible. The only thing we know for sure is we want to spend a day or two in NO.
Kisatchie National Forest is in central La. There are a few good trails that you can backpack in it.

Backbone is my favorite. Only 8 miles end to end but very unique landscape for Louisiana. You can join this with the Caroline Dorman which is 14 miles long.

The Wild Azalea is also nice. 24 (or so depending on what you read) miles with rolling terrain.