Ostler Peak - High Uintas - Who's Done It?

Devin Ashby

Don't Bust The Crust!
Mar 4, 2016
A good friend of mine is joining me this weekend to go to Amethyst Basin. We are planning to summit Ostler Peak on Saturday morning, as long as the weather is good enough for a summit.
Has anyone done this peak? I've read the beta on Summit Post, but the info is not totally clear. We are planning to hike to Ostler Lake on Friday after work as SP recommends to hit the ridge near Ostler Lake. We will go to Amethyst Lake after we summit, setup the hammocks and just hang out the rest of the afternoon.

Any and all information would be great. Thanks everyone!
I was there this past weekend, only one other party at Ostler lake on saturday night. By contrast, Amethyst meadows was full of tents(according to my friend), I didn't make it up there. Mosquitoes are pretty much gone up there.
A good friend of mine is joining me this weekend to go to Amethyst Basin. We are planning to summit Ostler Peak on Saturday morning, as long as the weather is good enough for a summit.
Has anyone done this peak? I've read the beta on Summit Post, but the info is not totally clear. We are planning to hike to Ostler Lake on Friday after work as SP recommends to hit the ridge near Ostler Lake. We will go to Amethyst Lake after we summit, setup the hammocks and just hang out the rest of the afternoon.

Any and all information would be great. Thanks everyone!

Yeah, @Nick is right, I bagged Ostler 4 years ago with some friends (good memory Nick). It's a fun peak with some great views! Check out the GPS track on my buddy's site (it should prove helpful). We just route-found our way up the ridge line as it sounds like you read on summitpost. We came down a different way and the glissading was pretty steep. Obviously no snow likely to remain at this time of year. Give it a go and report back! =)

Haha...I just found my mini recap from that trip and here's what I said about Ostler Peak: "After setting up camp we decided to make a run at Ostler peak. It looks steep and impossible from where we started. It offered great views of br24 and the rest of the basin as we climbed. It was steep and there was a lot of boulders and rocks of all sizes. It was tough going. We finally made it...wait...zzz...it was just a false summit. We cranked on and finally made it to the REAL summit. I swear...the last few hundred yards were brutal and I wanted to turn around! =) Great views. A little wind."

My flickr set if you care to peruse.
Yeah, @Nick is right, I bagged Ostler 4 years ago with some friends (good memory Nick). It's a fun peak with some great views! Check out the GPS track on my buddy's site (it should prove helpful). We just route-found our way up the ridge line as it sounds like you read on summitpost. We came down a different way and the glissading was pretty steep. Obviously no snow likely to remain at this time of year. Give it a go and report back! =)

Haha...I just found my mini recap from that trip and here's what I said about Ostler Peak: "After setting up camp we decided to make a run at Ostler peak. It looks steep and impossible from where we started. It offered great views of br24 and the rest of the basin as we climbed. It was steep and there was a lot of boulders and rocks of all sizes. It was tough going. We finally made it...wait...zzz...it was just a false summit. We cranked on and finally made it to the REAL summit. I swear...the last few hundred yards were brutal and I wanted to turn around! =) Great views. A little wind."

My flickr set if you care to peruse.
Awesome! Thank you for the information. We're going to give it a go, and hopefully my dog can make it up there too. I'll fornaure report back on what ends up happening.