Oregon Backpacking Trips

Howells Outdoors

Adventure is my middle name...actually it's Keith.
Sep 26, 2012
Hey all,

I'm looking at doing some backpacking in Oregon this year and I need some suggestions. I'll be looking for those classic waterfalls and gorges! Let me know if you have any trails or resources I should check out!

PS: I'm going to be in Portland first...so....that area-ish...
I've only backpacked there once, way back in 2005. Went up to Hunt Lake outside of Detroit. Didn't have a very good map and ended up accidentally finding the PCT and camping along it for a couple nights. Some really pretty stuff, but not a lot of views unless you climb the volcanoes.


the Three Sisters loop is supposed to be nice.
the Timberland Loop around Mount Hood.
here's a loop i really want to do in the Gorge this summer
Click here to view on CalTopoit combines Eagle Creek with some other waterfalls on it's West edge. from Sherrard Point, along the top, you can see Mt Rainier on a clear day, along with four other Cascade volcanoes.
you might also check out the Oregon Coast Trail. technically it runs the entire length of the state, so you might find a section that interests you. Cannon Beach looks interesting.
if you're coming up I84 to Portland you might think about stopping at the Eagle Cap Wilderness along the way.
^good to know. i've never actually been to either.
How long do you have? I just moved here from there :)

anyways, Broken Top in the Three Sisters Wilderness is fantastic - and the whole loop is great. not a whole lot of elevation gain.
Mt Hood has the Timberline trail you could do. Eagle Cap I never have been there, but it is a popular spot.

Opal Creek Wilderness is fantastic and has great areas. Mt. Jefferson is probably my favorite place to backpack though in Oregon. There are two ways to get into the north side of the mountain. The southwest side (Pamela Lake) you need a permit - and the views aren't that great. Camping at Russel Lake at the base of mt jefferson is something else. Google image it, you will be sold!

The Breitenbush way into Jefferson Park is probably one of the worst roads in Oregon - super bad. The main way from HWY 22 outside Detroit, oregon is the main way. 7 mile hike into the park - dunno the elevation.

I would also HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend Mt. Rainier. It is maybe 3 hours from PDX, but such a wonderful experience.

a good resource is oregonhikers.org or nwhikers.net - been on those sites for years. Have fun out there
the Three Sisters loop is supposed to be nice.
the Timberland Loop around Mount Hood.
here's a loop i really want to do in the Gorge this summer
Click here to view on CalTopoit combines Eagle Creek with some other waterfalls on it's West edge. from Sherrard Point, along the top, you can see Mt Rainier on a clear day, along with four other Cascade volcanoes.
you might also check out the Oregon Coast Trail. technically it runs the entire length of the state, so you might find a section that interests you. Cannon Beach looks interesting.
if you're coming up I84 to Portland you might think about stopping at the Eagle Cap Wilderness along the way.

Thank you. This helps. We are planning this summer
This book - Photographing Oregon - is full of good ideas for Oregon. Hope I'm not breaking the website rules, but the book has nothing to do with me and I don't know the author, but I found it a great starting point when I was wondering what to see in Oregon http://www.gregvaughn.com/books.html I'm going in August and will do the waterfalls in the Colombia River Gorge Aug 12 and 13 if you happened to be there then. But it will just be day hikes as I'll be with family
How long do you have? I just moved here from there :)

anyways, Broken Top in the Three Sisters Wilderness is fantastic - and the whole loop is great. not a whole lot of elevation gain.
Mt Hood has the Timberline trail you could do.

these are two of the backpacking trips I plan to do this summer with some others.
How many nights should I plan for each of these trips?
I will spent about 6 weeks in Oregon and Washington this summer
these are two of the backpacking trips I plan to do this summer with some others.
How many nights should I plan for each of these trips?
I will spent about 6 weeks in Oregon and Washington this summer

three sisters wilderness is like 40 mile loop or something if i remember. I prefer Jefferson Park near Mt. Jefferson to the three sisters wilderness. But you could see quite a bit with a 4 day trip through 3 sisters. Mt. Jeff is like a 7 mile hike to the park. that place is phenomenal!