NW Colorado Snow conditions


In search of Fresh
Oct 17, 2012
Wow!! What a crazy October!! It is currently -11 degrees F on the last day of October (Halloween), here in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. There is snow on the ground in the valley, and it is probably not going anywhere until next spring.
Beginning around Oct 10, we have had 6 measurable snow events. The results being about 25" inches that I've shoveled or snow blowed out of driveway and decks. (My house is at about 7000 ft of elevation) The Steamboat ski area has measured over 63" inches at mid mountain (9080 ft) and close to 80' inches at the summit (10600 ft). Both temps and snow amounts are definitely historical numbers. I've been living in Steamboat Spgs since 1974 and seen many different winter seasons. Up to this date, nothing of this wintery magnitude. All the landscaping companies are bummed out because they had roughly another month of leave raking and yard clean ups. Construction guys are a bit perturbed too. But then..... there is the ski area and Howelsen Hill. https://steamboatsprings.net/131/Howelsen-Hill-Ski-Area The both of them are dancing a jig, and making snow full tilt at these low temps.
Anyway.... we were planning on going down to Moab this week to camp and play in the red rocks and warm desert air.... until we saw the temps down there for this week. AARGH!!! So... I thought I'd ask how all of you Utah guys and gals are enjoying your October so far?

Sorry, didn't mean to leave all of you others out of this, that live in the Rocky Mts states. Especially Montana with a 48 inch snowfall earlier in the month.
Its been spectacular fall weather the past 10 days in southern Utah, we had a blast.

We did just had a few super cold nights in Escalante, dipping down to 10F, very windy earlier in the week. We rented a place for a few nights, windchills at night were getting close to 0. But the weather is turning again, it’s getting warmer at night. Amazing blue skies during day and it feels warm with the low humidity. Here is what that looked like yesterday in Escalante on the coldest day of this week: :cool:

I'm a big fan of winter, so the cold and snow have been very welcome. Not as cold here as it was/is over there in most of Colorado though. Our lowest temperatures in the SLC area were around 10-12 degrees yesterday early morning. Coldest October day on record! Some very spotty snow is on the ground still, but it's not much at all. Seems like Wyoming and Colorado took the brunt of the snowstorm! Going to be back to mid-50s before long though. Moab should be balmy again for you next week!

That's crazy how much snow you've got up there. And how cold it still is. I can't imagine negative temperatures in October.
Wow @powdergut! I am living in Grand Junction, CO and we started our day at 9 degrees here. Its amazing how unusually cold it is on this part of the state. With being only an hour out of Moab, I'm begging for the desert and some sun on my face. Winter hasnt even started yet!o_O
48 inches for the month up at Breck. I'd be skiing instead of typing this if "I'll never deadlift again" was more than empty words I mutter after trashing my back every year or so... Maybe next week.

Do have a new avy beacon arriving tomorrow tho!
48 inches for the month up at Breck. I'd be skiing instead of typing this if "I'll never deadlift again" was more than empty words I mutter after trashing my back every year or so... Maybe next week.

Do have a new avy beacon arriving tomorrow tho!
They're discouraging us from skiing the ski hill, so Rabbit Ears and Buffalo Pass should both have plenty of snow. Maybe mess around on some low angle hills. I have become more cautious over the years, as I have had many a friend, screw up their ski season by dropping pitches with very thin snow base. Potential for hitting rocks, logs and other hidden hazards, because the base is not built up (at the beginning of the season) has injured more than a few for early season exuberance.
Just for comparison. 2 seasons ago, we had 1 man made snow "strip of death" open at the bottom of the ski area. Pretty grim snow year, with lots of man made, just to get most of the mountain open by Xmas. That was the day before Thanksgiving. This year.....We are scheduled to open the Saturday before Thanksgiving and should easily have top to bottom skiing. Hopefully we continue with a snowy November and it's game on. I guess I'll finish raking my leaves in the spring. In the mean time... give me powder!
Yeah if it dumps as much as last winter I’ll be a happy man, avalanches and all!
Wow!! What a crazy October!! It is currently -11 degrees F on the last day of October (Halloween), here in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. There is snow on the ground in the valley, and it is probably not going anywhere until next spring.
Beginning around Oct 10, we have had 6 measurable snow events. The results being about 25" inches that I've shoveled or snow blowed out of driveway and decks. (My house is at about 7000 ft of elevation) The Steamboat ski area has measured over 63" inches at mid mountain (9080 ft) and close to 80' inches at the summit (10600 ft). Both temps and snow amounts are definitely historical numbers. I've been living in Steamboat Spgs since 1974 and seen many different winter seasons. Up to this date, nothing of this wintery magnitude. All the landscaping companies are bummed out because they had roughly another month of leave raking and yard clean ups. Construction guys are a bit perturbed too. But then..... there is the ski area and Howelsen Hill. https://steamboatsprings.net/131/Howelsen-Hill-Ski-Area The both of them are dancing a jig, and making snow full tilt at these low temps.
Anyway.... we were planning on going down to Moab this week to camp and play in the red rocks and warm desert air.... until we saw the temps down there for this week. AARGH!!! So... I thought I'd ask how all of you Utah guys and gals are enjoying your October so far?

I'm so happy to read this report - my family and I already have our flights and lodging booked for this year's ski trip to Steamboat. Thanks for making me smile!
and the Greater Yellowstone area gets dumped with snow as well. I'm so excited because I have a lot of cross country and backcountry ski trips planned the end of December.
Bring on all the snow, the more the merrier.
And hopefully Southern Utah high elevations will get some snow this year as well. I was pretty spoiled from last winter
I'm so happy to read this report - my family and I already have our flights and lodging booked for this year's ski trip to Steamboat. Thanks for making me smile!
Just when you think it's going to be the sickest winter ever....... I'm always leery about early snow. We had a record October for snow. Now we're back into a prolonged high pressure scenario. Daytime temps are back in the high 40's/50s. At least the night temps are low 20s to teens, so they can continue to make snow on the ski area. I have confidence we will get back into the snowy forecasts about mid November. But it's crazy to go thru so much winter weather and then have over two weeks of clear and sunny. The best part is the snow on the ground already, and how much "new" they are making for the high traffic areas on the main runs. We did a ski tour on Rabbit Ears pass the other day, and the snow is holding very well up there.
We are 2 1/2 weeks from opening day. I'm sure it will be a good one.
Just an update for those who care. After a record October start, we just went over 21 days without any precipitation. Day time temps in the 50's. Our new ski area owners felt compelled to open early 0n Nov 15 (1 lift and 10 runs. 1 legit run.) just to brag that we had the goods. Yay!!!! we finally got some "new" a few days ago, and it appears, that we are finally starting to get back on track. We'll see as it all starts again this evening. Here's hoping that the snow storms and winter proceed on in orderly fashion.
Anyway... time to get back into serious ski mode. Will definitely have to pay attention to backcountry conditions (am I ok using that word? Law suits?) as it should be scary later in the season, when the snow loads don't hold on all this metamorphised snow. Those who wander the winter backcountry, be careful out there.
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Nasty, rotten pack. Could be another scary season. :(
I think you're right. When you go this long between storms, there is virtually no bonding to the new layers of snow. Once heavily loaded ...easily triggered. People are really going to need to pay attention.
@Yvonne Yes!!! A big snowy winter would be stellar!!