Noob from CLE, headed to Death Hollow

Nico Lassen

New Member
Jul 22, 2018
Six of us are planning to hike Death Hollow, beginning at Escalante near Rt 12, starting mid September. It appears there are camping spots headed east and north, but once on the Boulder Mail Trail not so clear. Does anyone have info on that trail and its potential sites? This is along the trail from Balanced Rocks, to Brain Rocks and Cool Tree/Rock back to the Trailhead. Thanks!
Trying not to be disrespectful here, but your post doesn't really make much sense at all. Are you familiar with the area? There aren't really camping spots anywhere. It's backcountry leave-no-trace kind of camping. If anything it's the easiest to find a place to stay on the BMT. Not so much in Death Hollow itself.
Nico, you can camp almost anywhere on the Boulder Mail trail but you will have to have carried your water. There are only a few water sources. There are literally dozens of trip reports on this site about this trail and Death Hollow. Search the site and read some of these TR's and become familiar. Once you have try to ask some specific questions about details that aren't covered. Research will carry you through :)

Nick got to it just as I clicked "send". I second what he said. Do some reading here and you will know more to ask questions. Luck!
Trying not to be disrespectful here, but your post doesn't really make much sense at all. Are you familiar with the area? There aren't really camping spots anywhere. It's backcountry leave-no-trace kind of camping. If anything it's the easiest to find a place to stay on the BMT. Not so much in Death Hollow itself.
Thanks...I've been looking at CalTopo's website for Death Hollow and Boulder Mail Trail, and they've marked several "great camp sites" along Death Hollow, but none between Mamie Creek and Hwy 12...I understand you can pretty much camp on the slickrock if you have to. The topo map seems to show at least one stream that crosses the route north to Mamie Creek area, but I suppose that is intermittant and likely pretty dry in September.
CalTopo doesn't put anything on a map. They just display map layers like the USGS topo and people put whatever they want on them. You're most likely just looking at someone else's map. You need to do a lot more research on the area and don't put much weight on someone else's map to get you around. Look at trail guides for the area and get a book or something. You're going to be in and out of streams frequently. I'm not even sure what you mean by the route north to Mamie Creek area. The only part of the route going north to Mamie Creek (coming from Hwy 12) is pretty much in a swift, cold stream the entire time. That's Death Hollow itself. The driest part of the route is where the BMT leaves Death Hollow and heads either west to Escalante or East to the Boulder Air Strip, depending on the route you're choosing. Anyway, like Art said, you really need to do a LOT more research. Read everything you can, then ask questions.
Go Cavs! (I was born in CMH). Hey, out of curiosity, what made you choose these specific spots for your trip?

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A guy I know and met in the Grand Canyon over 40 years ago is quite the expert on SW desert hiking and suggested Death Hollow as an alternative to Zion and all its there you go.
A guy I know and met in the Grand Canyon over 40 years ago is quite the expert on SW desert hiking and suggested Death Hollow as an alternative to Zion and all its there you go.
That area is absolutely filled with excellent spots. Have fun!

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