New Camera


Jun 16, 2012
Well, after nick got me all confused by throwing mirrorless cameras into the mix of cameras I could buy, I have about decided that's the way I want to go. I know that if I buy a DSLR I won't take it with me on all of my trips, because I simply will not want to bother with the weight and the bulk. I also know that looking at pictures on here, I'm getting disappointed with the quality coming out of my FZ100.

So, the mirrorless thing sounds like a really good idea. Unfortunately, I like the specs and reviews of the NEX 7...which means I would be paying every bit as much as I would for a DSLR.

Is that a bad idea? I like the video options on the NEX 7. I was a little scared of the high megapixels, but the reviews are commending that resolution.

Too many variables!
My only advice would be, with any interchangeable lens camera you're buying into the lens portfolio, not just the body. So consider what you might want to do lens-wise down the road.
Thanks. I thought about that, which is why the Canon is still on the list. Too many variables!
I've found that pretty much all of the good mirrorless setups are as much or more than an entry level DSLR. It's just the price you pay for having a smaller, lighter setup. I don't know much about the Sony but based on my history with them, I would avoid it. Dan Ransom shot pretty much all of The Last of The Great Unknown on a Panasonic m4/3 setup. If I end up getting one, which I probably will, that would probably be my first choice.
the problem with the sony, for me, is that the imaging circle is big, so the lenses have to be big. the camera itself is phenomenal, but the compromise i want to make is for smaller sensor/smaller glass. that's why i went the m43 route.

that, and the panasonic video capabilities blow everthing else out of the water, including all the canon stuff. so it was a no brainer for me.

take a look at the olympus OM-D EM-5 or the newly announced EPM-5. those take beautiful photos. the new Panasonic GH3 will also be impressive, but it is significantly bigger and heavier. looks like panasonic will announce a GX2 soon, which is what i would be targeting for backpacking trips where i didn't shoot video.
I was looking at picking up the Samsung NX300, maybe saving up to buy a pancake lens too?
Does sanyone have any hands-on expericane with this or the NX1000?
Thanks guys
Bumping an old thread . . .

After the What on your gear wish list discussion I've been thinking more about jumping into the world of

What would be a good camera, beyond a point & shoot, to start with?

I would want one that would allow me to shoot in RAW format, with an manageable learning curve.
I want to be able to do outdoor landscapes and night shots.

Is there any benefit to buying a refurbished/used camera ?
With a good lens almost any DSLR can take stunning photos. I can't remember if it was a YouTube video or a photo forum but just a few days ago I either read it or watched it. Fellow took a cheap DSLR with an L series lens and a canon 1D with a cheap lens and compared the results. The cheap camera won hands down. Will try and find the article or video.

I am NOT a professional photographer but:
Would not buy a used camera unless I knew the seller and also knew he/she took care of equipment.
Canon's T3i turned out to be one of their best starter DSLR's. If you check the Canon site, you will see they are still selling it. I have 2 rebels and a 6D. When I finally started buying better lenses, my photos were considerably better but I was and still am quite happy with my EF-S lenses.
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Bumping an old thread . . .

What would be a good camera, beyond a point & shoot, to start with?

I would want one that would allow me to shoot in RAW format, with an manageable learning curve.
I want to be able to do outdoor landscapes and night shots.
Dr. Ned. A mirrorless, interchangeable lens camera would suit your needs you stated above. I shoot with a M4/3 Panasonic Lumix G3 and backpack tens of miles with it. I love it. There has been a lot published here about this. Try searching on "mirrorless" or "new camera" and read up...
I must admit that my camera and it's smaller glass and sensor isn't all that great for night shots.
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Dr. Ned, I can't give technical advice like the experienced guys here but I can give a testimony that might be relevant to you. I too wanted to move up from a point and shoot and went with a mirrorless because I didn't want to hike with the bulk and weight of a DSLR. With the mirrorless, I feel it's still very noob friendly (which is good for me) as I still shoot mostly in auto to JPEG. But I feel like I'll be able to grow into the camera at my own pace as I slowly learn to adjust settings manually, it can shoot in raw format for when I learn to post process better, and if I ever outgrow the 16-55mm lense that it came with I'll have plenty of options. Most importantly to me, it's not much bigger than my point and shoot and I can still just attach a small case to one of my shoulder straps for easy access when hiking. Hope this helps.
Is there any benefit to buying a refurbished/used camera ?

Two different things, really. My 6D is refurbished and I picked it up during one of Canon's refurbished store sales (meaning you get an even deeper discount). It still came with the factory warranty but in a dull box. It has been perfectly solid.

I've also purchased used lenses. Caveat emptor applies heavily in those circumstances. No warranty implied or expected for private-party sales. That being said, I've also sold lenses and given away some great glass, so not everyone in the used market is offloading their damaged goods.

As to your primary question - it's a matter of tradeoffs. How much cost/bulk/weight/complexity are you willing to tolerate? There are cameras available these days to fit most any need. A micro 4/3 is, as others have suggested, a good way to step out of point-and-shoot territory without going all-in on a big SLR.
Just wanted to add that the Sony NEX-5TL is the Amazon deal of the day for $299 (12/5).

I went ahead and pulled the trigger even though I haven't been a big fan of Sony cameras in the past (but this one has good reviews.) I considered the purchase of the Panasonic G5 last year at this price but didn't do it. But, as my current camera continues to disappoint and have lens errors more and more frequently, I thought it was time. My logic from last year still holds true for me: I want the quality of a bigger sensor, but I'm never going to invest in a really nice camera because A) I'm cheap and B) I don't want to baby it (I'm really hard on my cameras and break one about every 3-4 years!) So... I hope this one does the job for me.
I love my Sony mirrorless. I will probably never own another SLR. I just never needed the focusing speed and other advantages that an SLR provides. That and I love the size and weight savings too much to ever go back.

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