new bear canister company

Dec 27, 2015
I just ran across mention of a startup company devising a new bear canister. I'm intrigued (I already own 2 of the 'original' black keg model) and I may buy one to try out - they're quite affordable, so it's worth losing a few bucks over.

I was wondering if anyone here has tried them already. I looked for a review or other mention, but didn't see one.

ETA: ah, they're still in fund-raising / pre-production phase, so obviously no one has tried them yet.

[They're based in Park City Utah, and I know many of you are in that area. Maybe the makers are on this board??]
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I realize that the company is quite young. Have they submitted any examples of their product for testing by the Grizz people? Without certification I can't see them selling many units.
Good luck to them.

Old. Slow. "Smarter than the average bear."
So far it looks very promising for the price. Seems to be under $50 and carries 11 liters. That is good for really small backpacks. Doesn't seem the greatest for extended backpacking trips, considering I'd prefer the ursack for more days (and those are pretty small aswell). The one thing that it has over the ursack is that you can't stab a sharpened pencil through it (stupid Yosemite using that as their basis as whether a bear can break it).
I would think it is a good purchase if they can get it certified by most of NPS and Wilderness because man it seems to be really cheap compared to other brands.
Yep .............................. has to be certified or is worthless to carry anywhere........
I am inclined to avoid country where bear canisters are required because that's where the mob is. Griz country excepted but haven't been back since the 80's and none was required then. If I make it to The Bob next year then the full kit will be on (sweaty) hand. Bear resistance is good through where there are few to no trees to hang your stuff in. You just lose the food as it is down the canyon somewhere.

I hope these get past the "canister lobby".