Nepal Earthquake: Everest Base Camp Footage


Aug 9, 2007
Crazy footage of avalanche(s) hitting Everest Base Camp when the Nepal earthquake hit yesterday. Obviously nothing compared to the devastation across the rest of Nepal and surrounding countries, but still pretty crazy.

Warning: LOTS of F-bombs in there.

I have a few Nepalese people that work for me. Most of them have only been over here for a few years and they usually go home every year to see their wives and children and such. They are pretty distraught right now and it looks like I might be approving a bunch of FMLA in the near future. Crappy situation, they are a good hardworking people and a lot of what have built over here through sending money home to their families is gone.
Impressive that video like that can still make it up on the interwebs so quickly from such a remote area after such devastation around that area. Rough situation for all involved over there.
hey guys, i landed here in Nepal yesterday. My country is suffering badly, please help out with donations through various reputable organizations(unicef, redcross, oxfam and such) the best you can. Internet here is spotty so i can't link the urls. Sorry for hijacking the thread, nick
Also bit more info while internet is co-operating with me here. electricity finally came back on today after gone for 2+ days post initial strike. Lots of old temples, landmarks are gone. Lots of aids have come from foreign nations, but sadly our inept government hasn't done a good job of distributing it properly. aftershocks are still common, latest one was couple hours and hence most people spend nights outside in open.
I am back in US now. The 2 weeks in Nepal was obviously nothing like I had imagined when I had taken off from SLC. On my way there the initial quake struck and on my way back here the latest big one struck. It really sucks how hopeless and greedy our government is, but it was nice to see young people helping out. I only helped out little bit in my neighborhood but didn't go out much due to aftershocks. All I could do mainly was coordinate with old high school friends financially, who distributed supplies/aid to remote places around kathmandu. Besides the human death toll and suffering, I think it was sad to see destruction of ancient temples and structures that were built centuries ago. Hopefully they will be rebuilt over time with modern techniques but with ancient artifacts they salvaged from the quake. Here's some pictures I took while I was there, of the ruins.
P5085964 by Hope Scooter, on Flickr

P5085955 by Hope Scooter, on Flickr

P5085970 by Hope Scooter, on Flickr

P4304988 by Hope Scooter, on Flickr

And a nice video from Nytimes about what temple life was like before the quake: