Mountain biking St George

Tyler the video is funny!!! Glad your GhettoPro still works.

I took my friend out to ride R&B today. His comment was "These people have a vendetta against clip-less pedals!" I have only rode it once but forgot just how brutal that ride can be for how short it is!!! I love it!!!
Yeah, R&B was nice. I'd love to give it another shot, but I loved that Bearclaw area by far. So much to do out there.
well that didnt last long!:)
If you're referencing the GhettoPro, it actually lasted like that for 10 miles. It only fell off because I took it off to take a picture and when I put it back on I forgot to lock the set pin in place. It was pretty funny and I was shocked how durable the camera is (despite how bad of a picture it takes).