More Adirondack Canoeing - Mason Lake


Mar 31, 2016
Another beautiful sunny day ... so time to load the canoes on the Escape & head north ...
view of Snowy Mountain to the north of Mason Lake ...
we watched this guy for quite some time ... this small lake is a good place to see at least one pair of loons.
lily pads ... on the western part of the lake. The beavers have built a substantial long dam across the outlet and that has raised the water in the usually shallow western section but about two feet.36819803_1920772401319401_8057842127469543424_n.jpg

some of the shallower western part of the lake ... floating bogs filled with pitcher plants & stunted tamaracks on either side of this channel.
There used to be a large osprey nest in a big white pine along the lake but it's gone now .... probably a casualty of the winter & spring wind storms.
Photos courtesy of Mrs. kwc.
kwc - I know all this paddling is to get ready for the Yellowstone Lake trip next year. :) I really like the shots of the lily pads.
kwc - I know all this paddling is to get ready for the Yellowstone Lake trip next year. :) I really like the shots of the lily pads.

@scatman How I wish this were true!! Actually we have talked about taking our canoes on our cross country road trip next year ... we know we'd have plenty of opportunities to use them as we wander about. Yellowstone is on our itinerary (it's been 28 years since our last visit) as we meander towards Alaska. Not too sure that I can talk Mrs. kwc into paddling Yellowstone Lake though.