

Aug 9, 2007
I'm looking to pick up a pair of microspikes for some trips this year. Anyone have any advice or recommendations? I was looking at the Kahtoola's. My intended use is getting around some snowy/frozen terrain in the winter like Cedar Mesa, as well as possible snowy pass crossings in the Tetons this summer.
i've used microspikes a lot (the kahtoola brand is "microspikes.") they are awesome. i probably covered 45 miles of snow in them in the sierras in june/july 2010.

highly recommend!
I received some Ice Trekkers for Christmas (the chains-only version). Used them once on ice and packed snow. They worked great.
Another vote for the Kahtoola's. Even more in love with them after last weekend when I took 'em around Red Butte Peak and found myself scrambling on quite a bit of exposed rock. When I got down I was dreading taking them off and finding a few bent spikes--but lo' and behold, they were still in mint condition. Good steel!
Love my Kahtoola's I have two pairs (because I need a larger size for my winter boots). I was able to get them at a discounted price but I've been using them for well over a year. Last year in Bryce Canyon I was able to walk down sheets of ice without even having to worry about falling. I often prefer wearing those over snowshoes if the trail is packed and during the summer they don't add too much weight/space to throw them in my pack if I need to get across snowfields.

A couple of my friends have use these and like them as well, they received a good deal on the at the OR show last year.
I dont recall the brand off hand but I have a sweet pair of hiking crampons. These are designed to be used with a boot but you can slap them on a hiking shoe (or flip flop) for a short distance.

x3 on the Microspikes. I have even hiked steep snow (Stairs Gulch) in them and they work as well as real crampons on low and moderate angles and are much lighter and less hassle than real cramps. I had a pair of spring types and threw them away because they were ineffective for me.

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