Memorial Weekend backpacking in Southern Utah


Dec 29, 2014
I'm looking to do a backpacking hike with my 9 year old daughter. I would like do something like Coyote Gulch (hurricane wash trail) which I think would be doable for her. Are there any similarly places I can go?
There are a ton of similar hikes you could do. It might help to narrow it down by what aspects of Coyote you think would be good for her, how much experience she has, etc. I'm far from knowledgeable when it comes to hiking with kids, but it seems to me like Coyote might be a bit long unless they are fairly experienced. But then again, I am clueless as all of my 'kids' have lots of fur.
Coyote is a bit too long but so Beautiful! Anything shorter would be great.
what about little wildhorse? That's a fun hike for kids who are in good shape. Bring a lunch and lots of snacks.
You could check into doing Pleasant Creek in Capitol Reef. Would give you a similar experience with being able to walk in the water much of the way. Only a couple miles, then camp on the other end with views into Waterpocket Fold? I haven't done it myself but have it on my list.

Fish and/or Owl Creek down on Cedar Mesa might be a good option.

You could also do the Escalante River from Highway 12. Good stuff to see either direction. Just go as far you're comfortable and find an available alcove or elevated ground to call home.

Little Death Hollow & Wolverine Canyon west of Boulder. I think @Nick has a report or trail guide up on that one.

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there's some mild scrambling at the head of Owl canyon, and a little more serious at the head of Fish.

a trip report

depends on your nine year old. at the end of the report in a comment are some pictures from the access to fish where you have to climb a crack for a few feet. a fair amount of off trail hiking in the canyons, lots of improvised creek crossings.

my hiking in southern utah is limited. to that hike, coyote gulch, and to zion. but i think that there would probably be a number of hikes in zion that would be doable for a nine year old. easy trail. the kolob canyons or hop valley areas, as well as the wildcat canyon area. you might also go from the east side to one of the view points up on the east rim. all of those areas are covered in this report.
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there's some mild scrambling at the head of Owl canyon, and a little more serious at the head of Fish.

a trip report

depends on your nine year old. at the end of the report in a comment are some pictures from the access to fish where you have to climb a crack for a few feet. a fair amount of off trail hiking in the canyons, lots of improvised creek crossings.

Not sure how I missed your report on that hike, but that is awesome! One of these days I'll get down there too. It has been in my last for years and I keep putting it off for things I don't have to drive as far for.

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Zion is a good idea. I love doing hikes that are permit-limited on holiday weekends. LaVerkin Creek would be great. So would West Rim top down.

The Escalante River could definitely be good. I like the top end from the town trailhead more than the stuff up or down from the Highway 12 bridge, but it's all good.

Upper Little Death Hollow could be good, but the full canyon could be pretty tough if there is water in it, which there often is. That can go from a moderate hike to being technical with wetsuits required pretty easily if it fills up.

Willow Gulch is always a treat if you're up for driving way down Hole-in-the-Rock.

Oh, and there are tons of options in The Needles. That's actually a nice area because you can customize your route based on how it goes.
Thanks for suggestions. I will have to check out the trails that was suggested.
Death Hollow should be reasonable for a 9 year old. And plenty of water to play in, nice cool place to be in late May.