Memorial Day Weekend 2020

Ended up being crowded, but wasn't aware until on the way out. The area has 6 lakes in the span of 8 miles so everyone was spread out.
It would have been completely tranquil except we chose the lake across from the Rubicon Trail. Apparently a high traffic area for Jeepers. Interesting how they are semi tranquil during the day, but each night at sunset decide to start driving around. It was real fun listening to a jeep get stuck for over an hour at 2300...
Still an amazing trip though!!
The Golden Cathedral was a crowded park Sunday. Nothing against anyone specifically, but previous my visits had been quiet, so just the crowds made it feel a desecration.
Besides some crowded camping that was expected for the holiday in Fence, there was good emptiness both above and below that one hot spot along the Escalante.
From Friday morning as we left Fence, until Sunday afternoon when we decided to people watch at Neon to wait out the hot afternoon, we saw 0 people. Just a whole lot of gnats, midges and blowing wind.
Saturday afternoon a kid and I hiked up Sheep Cave Canyon, loaded up on water at the highest pothole just below the natural bridge, and camped up on slickrock pretty close to the edge of the reef. I had not been to this specific area before and expected it to be little-traveled but there's a good use trail in both Sheep Cave and Archtower Canyons, who knew? There's a spot on the Tidwell draw road requiring 4wd but it didn't keep people out, there were a couple of groups of vehicles car camping down there. On Saturday we saw a couple at the natural bridge and then saw two more groups hiking towards the edge of the reef in the evening, but then we didn't see anyone else the rest of the weekend. Sunday we did a nice loop hike south of Sheep Cave Canyon up high on the reef, getting some views down into where the river exits the reef, and some really nice views of the Lower Black Box. On Monday, temps were going to be higher so we hiked out Archtower canyon before noon. Both Sheep Cave and Archtower Canyons were much nicer than I had expected, really pretty and worthwhile, with just a bit of spice in terms of dryfalls and boulder hopping. It was pretty warm on Sunday but not too unpleasant, and mostly there was enough wind to keep the cedar gnats down.

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