Maybe it was the BBQ sauce (guy survives 3 weeks w/ no food or water after getting lost)


Jun 11, 2017
Kind of old news...I was reading through some old "Silt Happens," which are Grand County SAR reports, and I found the following for 2007. There's no source, and I have no idea what the long-term outcome for this guy was, but I found it interesting (and a bit strange). It's at the very end of the report:

ETA: His case is mentioned briefly in a Wiki article on suspended animation.

Survives 24 Days by Hibernating

A Japanese civil servant has described for the first time how he survived for more than three weeks in a mountain forest without food or water in what doctors believe is the first known case of a human going into hibernation. Mitsutaka Uchikoshi went missing on Mt Rokko in western Japan on October 7 after a barbecue with colleagues. Rather than joining them for the return trip by cable car, the 35-year-old decided to walk down the mountain, but lost his way, slipped in a stream and broke his pelvis. Article continues

"On the second day, the sun was out, I was in a field, and I felt very comfortable. That's my last memory," he said, shortly before being discharged from Kobe city general hospital on Tuesday. "I must have fallen asleep after that."

When a passing climber found him 24 days later, Mr Uchikoshi's body temperature had fallen to just 22C (72F), he had a barely discernable pulse and he was suffering from multiple organ failure and blood loss. Doctors who treated Mr Uchikoshi believe he lost consciousness after his fall and that his body's natural survival instincts kicked in, sending him into a state akin to hibernation as the temperature on the mountain dropped as low as 10C. "He fell into a state similar to hibernation and many of his organs slowed, but his brain was protected," Dr Shinichi Sato, head of the hospital's emergency unit, told reporters. "I believe his brain capacity has recovered 100%." Doctors said they did not expect him to experience any lasting ill-effects.

Mr Uchikoshi said he could not remember anything after the second day of his ordeal on the mountain, a popular spot for hikers and picnickers. One report that emerged while he was still in hospital said he had sipped bottled water and barbecue sauce before falling unconscious. Experts say it remains unclear how Mr Uchikoshi managed his extraordinary feat of survival with his metabolism almost at a standstill. "This case is revolutionary if the patient truly survived at such a low body temperature over such a long period of time," Hirohito Shiomi, a professor at Fukuyama University, told the Associated Press. "Researchers would have to clarify whether Uchikoshi's body temperature dropped very quickly, or whether he started losing body heat much later and was in fact dying when rescuers found him."
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