Massive Flash Flood, Grand Staircase Utah August 4th 2016

Also Kanab got it's share:

We have booked 5 nights in Kanab for mid october and one of several hikes we want to do in the Paria area is, via Wire Pass get into Buckskin Gulch go to Edmaiers secret and get out at the 1st parking lot at the beginning of Buckskin.
Provided it doesn't keep raining would it be likely that the muddy slippery mess in the Canyon will be dried up by than?
Provided it doesn't keep raining would it be likely that the muddy slippery mess in the Canyon will be dried up by than?

It's monsoon season. There will be more rain. Way too early to predict how the canyon will be in October.
Did all this come then from the Bryce Canyon area? Whereabouts is the waterfall.
I suppose the hard bit is knowing where the drainage catchment starts. For these canyons - Red Canyon (also called Peekaboo) near Kanab, Bull Valley Gorge, and Paria River - is the forecast to look out for around Bryce Canyon ? Or other areas too?