Map for Coyote Gulch


The mountains are calling and I must go
Mar 31, 2013
Looking to get a detailed map for my Coyote Gulch trip next month.
There is the Nat Geo Map of the Escalante, but are there any better?My local library has had a ton of great maps for other areas I've gone, but not a one for Coyote Gulch.
I'd say the NatGeo maps is fine for it. If you want to get something closer us the BCP map, or a Topo layer in G-earth, and print a few close parts out.

IMO, it's not a real difficult hike to navigate.
@slc_dan thanks! I'm looking to use the map to get a bearing from the water tank to a point on Hurricane Wash where I can easily descend.
Also to determine the distance between said points. I'm thinking your recommendation to use the BCP map may be the best.
In resources I posted a Coyote gpx file. Drops in at Hamblin and out via the crack....may get info off it you need.
I have had several custom topo maps printed at Map World (Utah/Idaho School Supply). They will print off a custom 10mile x 10 mile map on waterproof paper for $15.
In in SL County there is one on 7800 S/Redwood Rd and also one in Sugarhouse.
Thanks @Utsbeme There's a Utah/Idaho Map World close to my home in Lindon. I will go over there and see if they will do the same thing.

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